Training - What Training?!

Been a long time since I did that volume but mostly it centered around a lot of very early mornings. Up at 5, long run to work, shower st work. Swimming at 6. Lunch time runs.

At the time I had a job I could take the piss on. Even being on my own and the kids being much older Im not sure I could find the time with my current job if I wanted to.



Tin foil you what??

Bike commuting is one way - if you consider that training?

I’ll have done about 5-6 hours of that by the end of this week, even if nothing else , which feels pretty likely.

Although arguably it’s not really training, more pootling along and daydreaming rather gurning and chewing my tongue off.


Harsh on yourself there ?!

It’s the zone 2 stuff coach types say we don’t do enough ( in most sports not just tri) of and there usually right.

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You can’t be commuting in SE London then (!) you’d be dead in the first fifteen :wink:


Can’t you put on some trainers and run 3-4 of those hours, easy pace? Wouldn’t the dogs enjoy it?

A ten hour week for me might be 2 days in the office; 5hrs bike commuting, 1.5hrs lunchtime swimming. 3 run days; 3.5hrs.


My sister’s dog. Dog’s sadly need to be trained to run alongside people, she most definitely has not trained her dog. He’s lovely, but not trained.


Slightly worried about my commute home tonight. Forgot my lights, left them charging by the front door.

I can go the whole way without going on the road though, just cycle track and pavement, but will involve loads of hopping on and off


حظ سعيد


Very good


Edit: made it home in 1 piece.

ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ

wouldn’t recommend ninja cycling through the land cruisers generally though


Good luck

Do you swim for 1.5 hours or do you swim for 45 min with another 45 the faff to get there and back?

I don’t understand this. Who would count time you’re not swimming as swimming time?

Guess it could make sense to do this is you only have a limited amount of time to dedicate to training for each discipline? Time getting to the pool might come out of that “budget”.

Personally prefer to record distance for swimming. If I’m Doris-ing at the wall for half the session (hand up, often guilty) then figure it doesn’t really matter whether i call it an hour or call it 30 minutes, it’s 1500m at the end of the day.


I would put that down as ‘logistics’ and planning my time but no way would I ever attribute changing and travelling time to swim training.
To me it’s like going for a mtb ride but having to drive to the trail head, you don’t count the driving time. :man_shrugging:t2:

If people actually do that, then no wonder some imressive training weeks are being claimed!


I only count training time
dog walking
Walking to and from the gym
Walking for fun
Manual labour ( this can burn lots of calories no doubt )
Yesterday we got let down by a plasterer for our new living flame fire ( gas and fake coal thingy )
In between two visits to the gym I got my hr above 100 and a nice bicep pump ! Lol … stripping the wall paper ( this doesn’t count either)

I do log one / 1.5 hours “ hot stretch “ a week which is a set of exercises that I do in a hydrotherapy pool that I am convinced improve recovery and prevent injury and make me look even more of a simpleton than I already am.

The other extreme is IMJ types commenting on logging press ups, weights hyrox type stuff he can FRO

At the end of the day does it really matter ?

None of us are waiting for our next takeaway of the day glued to our vape worrying if we are going to lose our PIP in the new govt crackdown on dossers ? Are we ? ( if that’s you … I’m honestly not sorry ).


Although my watch counts steps I don’t record walks or gym sessions, if I I do a hike/run I’ll upload it. The steps only appears in my Garmin account.

I didn’t bother recording swimming on my watch until I was asked to for the study I was on.

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I would always record gym sessions
Most are cardio based and one in paticular ( a circuit we’re you do more and more reps untill you fail ) is probably the hardest thing I do.

Recording strength training is valid …?!
No ?

50 plus this is the most important thing we can do ? For sport and general health as we lose 1% of our muscle mass every year after 35?
Strength and conditioning can off set of not prevent this
( I’m not talking about trt!)

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2hr lunch break on weds, 1hr in the pool, 15mins walking over and changing each way

1hr lunch break Friday so only 30min swim