Good luck with training and to anyone doing an event today. Its a bright crisp one.
Waiting for it to warmup a few degrees and to digest breakfast. It was saying -1C 90 minutes ago. Up to 3½C now…
Just time to look at yesterdays 10 mile 1km splits
Good luck with training and to anyone doing an event today. Its a bright crisp one.
Waiting for it to warmup a few degrees and to digest breakfast. It was saying -1C 90 minutes ago. Up to 3½C now…
Just time to look at yesterdays 10 mile 1km splits
30 minute spin class first thing. Shattered now.
90kms to Windsor. First long ride in quite a while and I’m feeling it now. Felt like Winter on the way out and Spring on the way back.
Cold to start and too warm (over dressed) half way onwards.
Looks like I ran around the perimeter of Africa, and into the centre and back.
Nice to get outside myself as well, 74K but didn’t stop too long as it was still chilly if you’re stood around for long.
Thursday: a wee run round and round Beacon Hill park (see trail running thread)
Friday: nuffin other than a couple of short walks to keep the legs from seizing up
Saturday: gentle 6k run with zl, quads were still feeling the after effects of Thursday
Sunday: easy 16k run with zl, legs felt ok
Just an easy 12km today.
Might mow the lawn and a short bike if I have the energy and time.
That might be my biggest run week ever, I’ll check at some point.
You are smashing the weekly km’s at the moment
Are you training for something specific?
Crazy run total
Nice work !
5 - 6 years ago I tired to get the wife and daughter to walk up there. We only got quarter of the way and then I go a “No, no further” There was a big black cloud to be fair.
We were staying in Street, so I think a part from the weather they just wanted to go shopping in the outlet stores.
You had a cracking day for it. Could you see the sea. You can see the Tor from the Roman fort between Weston and Breen.
Couldn’t quite see the sea, there was a ridge of mist over that part of the Mendips. Could just see Brent Knoll.
Swam twice yesterday 1500m + 1000m, and once today 1500m.
Really wasn’t feeling it today after cycling home, but that 12km per week isn’t going to swim itself. So suffered half-heartedly up and down the pool for 27 minutes thinking of dinner.
Hopefully a better day tomorrow
Short Answer:-
Manchester Marathon 8 weeks to the day.
I’m trying to address my traditional main limiter, muscular fatigue / damage, and the associated drop in running economy (and fill the volume gap that illness and injury created from approx 18th November to Christmas.)
Muscular fatigue… might not be the case this time, the limiter, ‘the engine’ has always been good, but its hard to know, the illness hit my general fitness hard.
Normally, I’d have got the same volume over a lot more weeks, at least 8 more weeks. I feel my hand has been force by circumstance.
Body seems to be responding well, no problems so far, less intense to ensure I’m over the injury, but enough volume to get the adaptations.
Some speed (threshold only) has slowly been introduced the last three weeks.
You’re putting in some hard yakka for sure.
Should be doing these back to back …
There’s time yet !
13 hours total
12.5 last week
A measley 10 the week before !
Stick at it !
Recovery week done
4 swims, one bike. Was going to run long today but head was in a really bad place all day - probably stress.
Looking for vo2 and tempo for my quality sessions and settling into good swim consistency for March.
Having the heart checked with an ECG on Tuesday then more consultancy on blood pressure, so health a concern but not expecting big news.
Hope results go well.
Kudos for the consistency here all around 5:30 ish