Training - What Training?!

I took out 50s when I was out for Lanza 70.3 and numerous camps out there riding the old IM course, I’m 65kg so I got used to being buffered by the wind but nothing too scary.
Clinchers will be easier to fix especially if you go tubeless (if possible)


And the penalty of losing it and being blown into the lava fields is huge :wink:


I looked at those jagged rocks and just thought I’m not sure that’s survivable.

But have there ever been any triathletes going off road into that stuff? I would’ve thought it would make the tri news at least.

I took yesterday off completely, and went to bed at like 8.30, sleeping by 9. Didn’t wake up properly until gone 7.30. Was the right choice as i’m feeling miles better now, and the rough, chesty cough seems to have simmered down a fair bit. Glad i didn’t force it yesterday now.

Though i chose not to go into the office today, so i miss out on 2 x 1 hr rides which always helps my weekly totals! haha. I’ll get out for an hour at lunchtime though hopefully. Last day of work before a fortnight off, so have quite a lot to do. Had some exceptionally flukey timing of all this leave, with the bank holidays etc. Work gave us an extra day off this Thurs as well. :smile:


26km in to a mix trail/road run. Currently at an ‘aid station’:rofl:

Bloody grim out there


I dont know of anyone that has. But youd be a right mess. As far as i can recall the parts where the lava fields are very close (El Golfo) is generally where the wind is lower.

Plus these days its closed roads so you can be much further away from the edge.


I can only remember one place I thought it was a significant threat, it was a long straight descent nearer the end of the 2019 route with crosswinds and the certain-death either side. I took the handlebars but was still clipping 90kph.

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Pretty hairy coming out of Teguise just before the mind-numbing out and back trip to the dead turn. Wondering what the jounely down to Playa Blanca will be like as that’s new to me, only ever driven that road before.


Ran the short 1km home an called it quits at 27km.
I purposely ran in some very long grass trails about 4km in and saturated my shoes and sock. It can happen in a race and it’s good to get used to heavy feet again.


90 min zwift - 30min @ IM/MAF HR 138bpm = 212W - long way to go
10km treadmill/ 5.00 pace


Playa Blanca road is great on the way in. Smooth wind behind you. No lava.

Back out is an absolute slog into the wind. Are they using the service road or the main road?

Thought the wind would work that way - sadly. Probably put us on the service road to keep the main road for coaches to the airport but that’s only a guess.

5,4,3,2,1kms at 3:50 to 4:10m/km with 5,4,3,2,1min recoveries.

Treated myself to Percy Pigs on the recoveries :grin:.

Absolutely saturated when I got home.


The thought of serious injury did pop into my mind on that long straight descent from Timanfaya

Wouldn’t fancy landing face first Into that!


That’s a very solid session. :clap:t4:

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Some self control there. I would have smashed the whole bag :pig2:


I was out there last month. Going through the lava fields was the first time I’ve ever thought to myself that if I do fall off, fall in to the road…:slight_smile:


Yeah, deffo needs to up his game on that :joy:


2hr 33m on Zwift - 216W

30 min wind assisted progressive run
7:40 / 7:25 / 6:56 / 6:37


Good swim today, although my local pool continues to only operate two very wide lanes and not segregate them by speed. Super annoying, and it’s not like I’m particularly quick!

But completed 15 x 50m off 1:20 for the first time, all in the 55-58 second range. Really happy, everything is just a second or so quicker than it was a couple of months ago when I was going off 1:30 - all adds up. Followed by some hopeless thrashing about doing kick drills which are still dreadful :smile: