Triverest - Triathlon over the elevation of Everest

Oh Christ, don’t even get me started on that. It’s one of the things I don’t miss about not being amongst work people. I used to get it every time a race was on.

I did one of those multi lap ultra things last Nov at Greenham Common, as many laps as you could do in 7hrs. The morbidly obese woman at the office who took up park running (read instant expert) did 1 x 7km lap in 1hr15 and called it quits.

I ran my freakin nuts off and managed 8laps/57km in 6.15 and knew I couldn’t get another lap in.

In the office the next day, she had a crowd of adoring fans giving it the ‘well done’ and when they asked how I went I said it was tough but I managed 57kms and to a person, they all said ‘oh yeah but it’s easy for you’.

Fuck me dead. :boom:


Total empathy! I felt a bit for poor G whose NHS fundraising (3 x 12 hour turbo days) got a bit overshadowed by the remarkable Captain Tom!

Pretty much why I don’t bother doing any endurance events for charity; people just think it’s your hobby and you’re having ‘fun’!

I should probably do a sponsored 24h watching F1 or Premier Football :rofl:


I used to say that to people. Whenever I would get the usual ’ are you doing it for charity? and when I’d say no, they’d ask why and I’d ask if they go to the pub for charity?

I’d usually get a ‘humph’ and and a flounce, or a confused glazed eyes look. :laughing:

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A lad at work did a sponsored gaming marathon for 24 hours. I wouldn’t sponsor him as I said my lad would do that every day if I let him.


In 4 days I am doing Triverest. I am more nervous than I have ever been before any event. I have no idea how I am going to do any work this week

4km Swim in Sarnensee lake
260km, 7200mm elevation ride over Glauben, Glaubenbielen, Brunig, Grimsel, Furkur, Susten and Brunig (second time) passes
30km run, flat HM, then 9km, 1800m run from Alpnachstad to the top of mount Pilatus

I am in the best shape of my lfe, I feel that I am just hitting my peak, I am injury free, the weather forecast looks great

I will be supplied with a GPS tracker for the bike and run, for anyone who is interested I will put details here when I know more

Absoutely s******g myself


Judging by what you’ve been up to lately Matt, you’ll be fine! Just remember it’s a bloody long day, and heroics won’t get you anywhere in the first 6 hours! Eat, eat and eat!

Super keen for some tracker action. I think with the total lack of racing everyone is going to be keen to live vicariously through you this weekend!!!


There’s a first time for everything; remember when you though doing a simple triathlon was daunting. I’m sure you’ll be fine!

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Tracking details have just come in

LIVE TRACKING: Server/URL Login: Password: 2020
There is also an app for Android and iOS
Data will only be visible from Friday 24 July 2020.


Best of luck. That is a serious day out…

Best of luck Matt. Will check in on throughout the day - serious race this :facepunch:t2:

Looks awesome!

Treat as an epic adventure rather than a race and I’m sure the result will take care of itself.

Good luck and have fun!

Awesome… finally some quality dot watching!

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Looks to be an amazing day out. Good luck!

This will be a test for Maurten

14 * 320 Drink mix: 4480 Cals
14 * Gels: 1400 Cals
Total 5880 Cals

Enough for 19 hours

Will be supplementing with Sandwiches, crisps, Redbull and Coke

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As said above. Treat as an epic day out, then race the last mile if you can see anyone :joy:


My advice would be to ensure you have lots of other options on hand, just in case Matt (beyond the sandwhiches etc). You may find you want to drop the maurten completely.

I did my ~15hr 100km last winter on Maurten alone, and that was just about tolerable, when mixed with some high 5 zero and a few bits of real food. But when it came to scaling that up to the 100 miler i did a month or so later, it was my total demise. I didn’t realise at the time, but i was getting sick of it and avoiding drinking all the bottles that i had between each aid station. So i basically carried myself through a really slow, 5 hour bonk as i dripped into calorie deficit. Before i realised it (actually only worked it out a week or so after the event) it was too late. I had switched to Tailwind, but it was too late. Had i spotted the signs earlier, i could’ve switched earlier and it may or may not have taken me beyond my eventual drop point.

I’m sure you won’t have, but don’t forget that they contain no electrolytes, so be sure to supplement elsewhere.

Best of luck.

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Thanks GB, I am a little wary of this too, and remember your comments about your 100 mile race. I am also trying another product called WOO, their drink is quite salty and not sweet, contains lots of electrolyts and potatoe starch. Only used in training and seems OK, certainly not as good as Maurten, but wanted another option. On the bike, I have a support car, and have planned 16 stops (I should complete bike in 11.5 hours), I will be keeping a really close look on fluids and carbs. On ascents I want to use Maurten as I will be working hard, however, before the big descents I think I can take more substantial food as my HR will be low and will be able to digest more.

I had not considered giving up Maurten altogether at one point, its potentially a good idea, I will certainly plan that as an option before the final 2.5 hour climb up pilatus (when on the mountain you are stuck with whatever you have available)

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I’ve got a plan. I tested it 9 days ago on a 9 hour ride with 6000m and hit my planned power numbers. Almost perfect execution, other than getting a sore knee towards the end due to having saddle too low and cranks too long. I have new crankset and saddle set correctly, so don’t expect a repeat.

Since it is a local event, I have got people coming out to ride with me at various times, and a good friend is running with me.

For 90% of the event I am executing my plan, not racing. However, the final 4km of the climb is totally visible, so will get a good view of anyone ahead… if I have anything left, that it when I start to race


Good luck. One for the grandchildren.