US election 2020

He was impeached

He means over the Ukraine scandal; but of course Trump has been impeached over previous corruption/abuse of power, again ongoing.

Yeah I know, but he was impeached over Ukraine. But in the impeachment trial the senate voted not to remove him from office. He was impeached though.

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that’s an unpleasant insinuation to make…

This inability to answer a simple question without resorting to ad hominem slurs is one of the reasons the US has ended up with trump…

and it doesn’t bode well for the future…

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he was acquitted wasn’t he?

that’s probably the only thing i would give him credit for…many US cities are currently lawless pits of catastrophe…and without wanting to add to the hyperbole, i don’t think the UD is too far from a civil war…

Wow, clearly wasn’t as educated as you… in the classics/Latin, will have to look that one up. :rofl:

Your view?

i don’t think not making unpleasant insinuations was so much directly a part of my education, more my upbringing i guess…

So do you believe that the females involved are lying to the courts then? Additionally, a ‘middle-man’ was found guilty of making the payments. Not really surprising that a billionaire business-person has people working for them; it allows deniable culpability.

Cohen, 52, pleaded guilty in August 2018 to violating campaign finance law by directing the payment to Daniels as well as another payment of $150,000 to Playboy model Karen McDougal shortly before the election.

Both women have said they had sexual encounters with Trump more than a decade ago and that the money was meant to buy their silence. Trump has denied the encounters and in 2018 told reporters he knew nothing about a payment to Daniels.


Lol, I think you need to get out of whatever media bubble you are in because this is nonsense

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that is my view…

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…and I’m sure that there’s a Latin phrase for ‘making up your own shite to cast aspersions on other people’? Praytell?

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Love it, you couldn’t make it up - your logic appears to have vanished back up your own, after your opinion?

no female has lied to the courts about me…as far as i know, but i would obviously be very interested to hear if you have other information J

This is the point where you’d usually advise one to “go easy :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry but you’ve completely ignored the inferred question. This is about DJT, not you.

the insinuation was, hence my response…

where have i cast aspersions?
