What you need to do if you want to do something stupid

It can all be going fine until 20 glasses, and then the wheels come off…

The last 6.2 glasses are half the race etc etc


I hit the wall at 20miles. No I actually ran into the wall


This is true…

A particular hazard in the Berlin marathon until the late 80s



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I’m struggling to balance the fact the fact that the wheels come off at exactly the point I need stabilisers


Struggling to balance even

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Sorry if that came across as an armchair troll, I couldn’t manage to physically or logistically do 15 hours a week consistent training for at least half a year, especially when it’s so swim heavy with the changes and commutes to the pool as you mention, so have a lot of admiration for it; A2A has always held a little place in heart before I even started tri since my dad mentioned it to me ~15 years ago.

My comment was meant that if one wants to consider something huge like A2A, or any event to be fair, the first step should be a realistic idea of what’s required and are they prepared to commit to that.
The OP is being turned off by your training hours, yet I’d have presumed they were less than many other A2A attempts. Exception being some endurance peeps with years of consistency.

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No probs, I didn’t think of it as a troll at all, I think just that if it were bike heavy with long rides in it would be much easier to get those sorts of weekly hours completed.

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Yep logistically and physically, something that hasn’t been mentioned so far is not only the training required in the 6m prior but the years of preparation it’s built on. Injuries galore from such a swim run load.

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And the food/eating that you’ve got to factor in. That may sound like I’m being silly (like normal), but when I’m ‘proper’ training my, already decent, appetite goes through the roof.

Amongst all that training and prep, you’ve got to find ways to constantly have access to and shovel down thousands of calories every day. It’s another logistical problem and it costs a small fortune if you’re at all like me!


Oh, yes. Eating everything. I once did calorie count for about 8 weeks whilst training lots (and eating junk, nothing very healthy) and averaged about 4300/day