Yoga / Pilates

Today was a bit easy wasnt it, might as well have stayed in bed :rofl:

Im sure the last time i seriously followed this (2021 - breathe iirc) it was far tougher by now.

Day 6 was toughish but not massively or maybe it just seemed harder before.

Missed a couple of days. Need to get back into it

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Day 9 done early.
Warrior 3, love it, my favourite for the kids S&C sessions also, just because it makes me laugh them all falling over :rofl:

Bit longer, made me a bit out of breath, Covid more than physical exertion, but still got HR up a little.

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I am falling woefully behind!


Double day today to catch up. 2 days to go. Anyone still with me?

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Day 6 :roll_eyes:

Will be done by Easter


Yoga with Adriene, completed it mate. All done on time. I did this in 2021, and only done sporadic stuff since. Ive got to keep it up, not everyday, I ache a bit and need to recover, but at least alternate days.


I managed day 1
