Getting through the remainder of the working day without a visit to HR
Because you’re sent there, or go there to complain?
Sent, no question.
Unlike 2020 and 2021 there is a real danger I may actually achieve some of my goals this year
Noticed last night that Garmin was estimating a VO2max of 57 , which is higher than I have seen before. No idea if accurate but feeling pretty bouncy, and a quick play with some running calculators suggested this ought to translate to an 18 minute 5km.
Now I know it’s a bit of a cheat but I decided to have a crack at going sub 18 today on the treadmill. Zero percent gradient, window open, fan on, Alphas on…
Set the speed to 16.7km, first 2km felt OK. 3km in I was feeling it BUT was not to the point of needing to get off and open bowels in a foul staccato splatterfest like last time I tried. Didn’t actually feel like quitting until 4.6km (heart rate was 171, max is 176), but by then was close enough to home that I held on and in fact bumped the speed up to 18kmh for the last 200m just to be sure of dipping under 18 minutes.
17mins 57 seconds.
I know it’s not real, need to actually repeat in the outside world, but claiming it for the purposes of this thread anyway Don’t think this is necessarily a treadmill PB, think I remember going 17.xx on a 'mill back in my 30s without funky shoes, but it’s definitely a recent high water mark.
Now if that guy actually turns up to fix the roof next week, we are talking 3 out of 5 goals ticked off which would be, frankly, pretty surprising after 2020 and 2021
Onwards and upwards ladies and gents
Such a shame you actually only ran 10 metres though
Lol, true, only actually ran zero metres. Maybe GPS tracking error but how bizarre if the forerunner 45 uses GPS data in treadmill mode
Only recorded for the HR data
(And of course to wave it around if successful, as is customary )
Flat parkrun in the morning and you can do it IRL
Unfortunately off upcountry this weekend (# excuse)
crowd and tailwind
Nearly June so a half year check in.
Big problem with the above targets is multiples of body weight also needed me to reduce my body weight, which is happening verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry slowly. But lets assume I can lose the weight, and get to my target (95kg).
If I do then it will be 166kg for squat, 140 for bench and row, 95 for shoulder, and I did change my dead goal to 2 times so 190.
Here is where I currently am (based of 5 reps and using a 1 rep calculator):
Squat: 107kg
Shoulder: 62kg
Bench/Row: 70kg
Dead: 130kg
No idea if I will reach those targets above in another 6 months. Starting to get a few niggles, shoulder doesnt feel right, got tennis elbow and a bit of pain on the outside of my knee.
Has your treadmill arrived yet? Simply lifting that beast to your cave will probably tick off some of those goals
Yeah we have had it a while. Luckily it went in the sort of 2nd lounge which is downstairs but i still had to wrestle the bastard in on my own.
Next goal is Copenhagen and attempting to have a finish time which isn’t utterly embarrassing, granted it has a tad less climbing, all being well the achilies rehab will make running not crawling possible too.
I can happily report that right now there are two men on my roof, banging away.
(As in, mending the roof, for the avoidance of any doubt)
This year is shaping up to be the best ever
Win that damn fruit basket at Matlock Tri
(Top 3 get one. Missed out by mere seconds on two occasions )
Do they have any livery on their van? Just checking like
You mean the slogans they have on the back of their vans?
“Roofers do it best on top”
“Nailing hot shingles in your area, NOW!”
“We wipe the slate clean”
“Doing the job asbestos we can”
“We can tell what you’re rafter”
“No need to call for prices, it’s on the house”
“We don’t look down on you”
Scaffolders. Quality erections.
Same for wedding marquees, innit?
“Massive erections for you, and all of your guests, on your special day”
I was thinking more ‘plain white van, no MOT and may or may not have a quad in the back that very recently belonged to someone else’