2022 Weigh-in Thread


Lost weight … first time in a bit
Have to eat more crap (sorry fellas !)


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Interested to know how you get on. I really struggle.
Occasionally if I can break the cycle (esp early in the day) I can do ok; but generally the calling is to great :frowning:

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Okay so far…I forgot and ate a tiramisu I found in the fridge on Saturday night. :roll_eyes:

Coffee without sugar is a minor inconvenience. If there is any health benefit it will be from dodging the families sweets they leave lying around all over the house and car, or the occasional cake I’ll buy and eat in a sitting. :slight_smile: I don’t think there are any biscuits in the house at the moment so I’m lucky there.


Are you allowed to use sweeteners?

I stopped using sugar for coffee & tea when I was at uni and ran out. It was probably only for a couple of weeks, but after I’d restocked I found it too sweet, so stayed with no sugar.

Still like sugar on my cornflakes though. I suspect the cereal I had during this period was already coated in sugar, so didn’t get the same cold turkey effect.

I’ve been against sweeteners since I was a teenager, so no worries there. I just don’t get the idea of deceiving my own body being a good one, I’m not sure the science back me up totally on that though.

I’m not trying to avoid any/all sugars of any kind though, just the obvious stuff. No energy drinks or gels either. I usually fuel training by this time in the year.

Avoiding sugar completely ?

Impossible ? No ?

I eat loads of beans and fruit?

Do they count?

Lentils are marvellous. Soak up a lot of flavour, keep you full for ages and the fibre in them parcels up all the other stuff that might be less beneficial and you shit it out. Good for healthy gut bacteria too I think

I’ve just watched the whole of this cardiologist’s video

The idea of calories in and calories out is seen as possibly outdated now, it’s more about your hormonal response to food - ie insulin

Probably argued a lot here already

But it’s worth a watch - usual stuff about time restricted feeding, autophagy and cellular regeneration. Human growth hormone, avoid eating too much protein etc etc - and :wink: slowing down the ageing process

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99.8kg - getting dangerously close to that 100kg threshold again.
Didn’t train much last weekend as setting up and marshaling my clubs first race of the season then came down with a cold during the week so didn’t do anything this weekend either.
Still not feeling well enough to train but might get out for a walk this evening and see if I’m up for cycling to work tomorrow then a swim in the evening


86.6 for me this morning, heading back in the right direction.


Came into the year at 96.6
88.5 today.
Ideally be below 85 for Mallorca cycling holiday in 5.5 weeks.


Good going :+1:

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Weight is creeping up. Need to sort out my diet :doughnut:

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Back up again for me, 87.5. I did say I had a head full of cement :joy:

Went a bit crazy this weekend. Had a massive Chinese on Saturday, was so stuffed felt uncomfortable all night and even the next morning. Finished of the left overs yesterday and then in the evening had a takeaway roast from a local pub, and went to bed almost as stuffed. In addition to that I scoffed a few chocolate bars and an ice cream. Gluten & dairy free completely out the window! :roll_eyes:

The result was the scales went over 80Kg this morning (and that was post poo!), I had been around 78.0Kg during the week.


It’s a blip mate, a week of good eating will smooth that out.


80 bang on …. Feel fat though ?!?


77.4kg. Aiming to get below 75 in a couple of weeks. Was 68kg this time last year. :man_facepalming:t2: