2022 Weigh-in Thread

I was trying to explain this to the missus the other day when she was complaining about not having time for exercise etc.

We’d just been up and down from the allotment, many trips, with full watering cans. She was aghast that she would be having to count gardening as exercise, until I pointed out to her that she’s carrying 1/3 of her body weight in water each trip. That’s not insignificant!


I remember before when I was over weight. Every week I would ride the same loop and it started after a 20 min warm up with a climb up Church Lane. Its only about 0.5km long, but its 13% with peaks at 20% so its a hard climb for a heavy weight.

Each week as I got lighter you could see the number of watts dropping and speed going up, even real time as you were pedalling


It’s weird isn’t it. I counted the 5km jog back home yesterday after dropping the car off, set my watch and recorded but I didn’t bother for the 5km walk back to get the car :man_facepalming:


79 kg and dropping now, 13 stone is toooo heavy for an old midjit.

Press up totals improving ?!


71kg this morning

Not through exercise - cut out the crap and less booze


Been seeing some 76/77Kg readings on the scale this past week.

Pushing for a 75.xx Kg ASAP


Height = 5’ 7” / 1.7m

Another rollercoaster month for me…

Start of June - 12st 8.0lbs

Six days later (after another wedding in Ireland) - 12st 11.0lbs :man_facepalming:

‘Sometime’ last week – 12st 6.6lbs :sunglasses:

Before a week of meals out and evening drinks left me at…

01/07/22 - 12st 8.2lbs / 79.9 Kg – BF 26.7%

Month = Gain of 0.2lbs / 0.1kg :roll_eyes:

But I’ll take the positive that touching 12st 6.6lbs was my lowest weight in years.
(At least since before 2015, but probably much longer, as I lost some earlier records.)

Cheers, Paul. :slight_smile:


Good Morning :wave:t3:

Height: 6ft 2in / 186cm

Been measuring myself, as I’m still growing!
I was 6ft 1in 184cm a decade ago, then 6ft 1.5in 185cm five years ago - weird :open_mouth:

A year ago I was 181lbs 82kg, I’m now 191lbs 88kg.
Prior to lockdown (March 2020) I was 170lb 77kg and gearing up for more weight loss for IMUK that year.
Then Covid (and crap eating and drinking) came along :sob:

Finding it hard to kick both of those into touch.

Making zero effort at the moment, but I’ve now got loads of nice cycling kit that I can’t fit into properly :sob:
Also cannot fit into my suits and work shirts for if I ever go into an office again.

Got a couple of goals for end of 2023, both of which will require a bit of weight loss to achieve a bit easier.

It’s the tits bouncing when I’m walking downstairs when I know I’m overweight :sob:
The spare tyre has been useful for swimming :ring_buoy::swimming_man:t2:

Anyway, in true Instagram fashion, here’s a photo from parkrun on Saturday, belly busting out of my shirt :open_mouth:


87.3 this morning

87kg yesterday: 77kg rippling muscle, 10kg belly.


103kg this morning.
I need to shift as much as I can by October 2nd for running around an alp.
Feels like a kilo a week would be a pretty reasonable goal.
Not quite sure how the fuck I do that though.

I was lugging my turbo around today and wondered what it weighed. 27kg. It’s fucking heavy (and an awkward box to carry) but I couldn’t help but think that if I weighed 27kg less I bet my knees would hurt less.


Yeah I felt the same picking up bags of concrete, like fuck I am carry two of these around needlessly


How odd. I continued growing way into my early twenties. In year 9 at school most of my friends were taller than me, but they stopped and I kept on going, one day banged my head on a door frame I hadn’t before and had grown an inch between 21-22.


Ran with my shirt off once on super warm day

One of the local scrotes shouted “nice tits!” as I ran past.

Never top off again :roll_eyes:


Yeah, back when I was 70kg, I used to run shirtless :sob:
Cannot believe it was 12 years ago :astonished:


The 70 kg days… and I could run ( quite) fast!

Remember them well. Your still shifting for a big lad ( that’s a compliment !)

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79 kgs

Just got up !

77 is the new target ( with big arms ) lol


I haven’t weight 70 kilos since I was a toddler :roll_eyes:

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I’ll bet your good at lifting heavy things though …!

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Shirtless on the trails I’ve done a few times. In the streets of London, Greater London, looks a bit weird though. Fat or not.

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