2022 Weigh-in Thread

80.1kg down from 80.7kg last week (and 81.4kg the week before).

Sorry I didn’t immediately reply @Mungo2 & @The_Iain , thanks for your comments.

So far both approaches (16/8 & 5/2) going OK. The aim it to try and find my ideal running weight, which I’m hoping I’ll find around 75-76kg. Earlier in the year I think I was about 78kg when setting a load of PBs.

16/8 I’m thinking that this possibly will be my longer term approach, once the initial weight is lost.

I’ve generally lasted until at least 11am before eating, and it’s not been too much of an effort. I almost got caught out on the first day, time ran away with me after a track session and I only just showered, cooked & ate before my 8pm deadline.

I think it has introduced some good behaviours, such as querying whether I really need that snack/sweet during my allowed 8 hour window, but at the same time has caused me to properly pig out on a couple of occasions.

5/2 I see this as being a temporary diet to lose the initial weight, and hopefully within around 6 weeks I can start to drop this and just do 16/8 (or maybe change 5/2 to 6/1).

I’m on my 3rd fast day, having fasted last Wednesday & Sunday. I think I need to do a bit more research and planning here to get the best out of my 600 calories. I think I made a few calculation errors on the first day and went a bit over. At one point I thought I was going to be able to squeeze in a small dessert and then I recalculated and realised I was probably over.

Poached eggs have become a bit of a staple for these days. I haven’t mastered the technique, they completely fall apart in the pan.

By the end of the evening I have been feeling hungry, but not ravenous.

Overall Late night snacking has been eliminated and I was doing way too much of it. I think as an indirect benefit I’m actually going to bed/sleep a bit earlier too, as I was almost staying up to snack, and now I’m perhaps I try to go to sleep to avoid feeling hungry (on the 2 fasted days anyway). Still work to do there, but been getting almost 7 hours sleep which is good for me. Have started to try and wear my watch 24/7 to track.


Sound like your on the right track :call_me_hand:

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Now we’re talking.


88.0 today


74.3kg. -0.8kg.


Put a new battery in the scales this morning and it very clearly said 89.4! :scream:

I keep letting myself down :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



In danger of toeing the line in Namibia at my target weight


It’s not a matter of willpower, don’t beat yourself up


Height = 5’ 7” / 1.7m

01/10/22 - 12st 4.8lbs / 78.4 Kg – BF 25.1%

September Month = Loss of 1.2lbs / 0.5kg

Not much, but a good result, given the amount of crap I was been eating & drinking this month.

And definitely my lowest weight in at least 8 years, if not much longer. :sunglasses:

Cheers, Paul. :slight_smile:


Maybe try the fasting option or drop to 2 meals a day? ie reducing the hours you allow yourself to eat. A fairly simple way to calorie deficit.

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I’m already doing that :smile:

Anyway, scales said 87.5 this morning :man_shrugging:


I was scared to step on the scales this morning and rightly so. Despite not being terrible recently it’s consistently slightly bad.

Anyway, weight heading in the wrong direction still. Up over 83kg this week which given I hit a low of 76kg this time last year is frustrating. It’s something I need to take seriously before it becomes permanent.


74.1kg. -0.2kg.

Not great eating over the weekend so good to knock a little more off.


87.7 this morning. I think my scales are bi-polar :man_shrugging:

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Is weighing every day really a good idea? Surely weekly is a better approach with the intention of seeing a down ward trend? I know my weight can fluctuate 1-2 kg either way easily

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Your my min man at the moment !
Hope to be under 75 in two weeks ish.

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I don’t usually weigh every day. I was shocked to see 89.4 on Sunday, so was checking for consistency in the scales really. Changed the battery in the scales, which should not make a difference.

I tend to weigh twice a week normally.

I quite like weighing daily, and then looking at the overall trend; I find knowing that some days will seemingly be what feels like significantly heavier than the average, and sometimes I’ll have light days, it means I don’t get discouraged/overly-encouraged by fluctuations.

But I also get why for people who have problems with measuring their weight and fixated on it, it wouldn’t be a good thing.

Stand in front of the mirror and jump. If parts of the body come to a stop after you’ve landed maybe consider cutting a calorie or two from the diet :slightly_smiling_face:


Parts of the ceiling will come to a stop if I jump up and down :smile: