2024 Goals

Don’t forget sleep!


Don’t forget rest days!


I have really noticed a decline in my core and strength during 2023 and am in a similar boat. I find myself finding it harder to walk up the stairs and get up out of chairs, which is frankly ridiculous. I’m trying to find a simple, easy to follow S&C routine that I can do three times a week. Looked at a few online apps but they have mixed reviews, so I probably just need to trawl YouTube and put something together myself.


Pretty simple for me :roll_eyes:

  1. Complete a triathlon of any distance (most likely Wilmslow in April, or Southport in May)
  2. Ride 325km on the road (this is now three years old, many many false starts!)
  3. Complete Frontier 300 (I’m riding to Crewe, train up, riding to start, bivvying, riding across, bivvying - might splash out on a shared pod, riding to Morpeth, train home)
  4. Attempt the 496 Challenge
  5. Jump off a high rock into some water

Go on then … what’s the thinking behind #5 ?

If you’re in West Wales at all, i can direct you to our old haunts. Some great rock jumping there! :grin:

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Because I rolled my ankle on day 2 of our holiday last year and had to watch my daughter having all of the fun :sob:

We’re off to Abersoch this year, so will try for a few places round there.


I was watching this on the turbo the other day. Fcuk that. https://youtu.be/O54h_24crO0?si=XNK0p6XHkzjrqp0h

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We used to do that back around 2000-2005. Don’t think we ever gave it a name. But the principle was based around a very very subjective (and prone to cheating/bribery/general stupidity) scoring mechanism for style, height of jump and ridiculous, painful entry into the water. We came up with all sorts of stupid jump styles, some of which I can still vividly remember! As well as the pain! :joy:


Well I’ve not posted for a while as I took a break from anything to do with exercise for 2 years. I’ve drunk too much, eaten too much and partied hard. I had a great 2 years, but it’s taken it’s toll and I’ve piled on the pounds (can’t think why :roll_eyes:).

So my goal for 2024 is to start exercising again, lose 1 stone before end of April, and who knows, maybe enter any event. Right now I can’t even run 5km. Since January I’ve been in the gym once, but ran (jog/walk) 5 times. Feeling motivated.


general name I think is “tombstoning”


Fitness goals:

  1. Sub 90 mins at Doha half marathon in Feb
  2. End the year with stronger core
  3. Do at least one tri somewhere along the line
  4. Volunteer at at least one event

#1 should be on if I don’t kill myself by trying to run every day in Jan.

#2 should be straightforward to measure. Right now can do 5 pull ups, 50 press ups and 3 minutes plank, albeit with much gurning. So, 6+51+3m01s would be a win.

#3 is bound to happen although no events lined up yet

#4 is a recurring resolution but I didn’t get round to it last year or the year before, so must try harder this year.

(+ a couple of other goals which have something of the 'pool about them )

Also, maybe this will be the year we finally fix our roof. Or maybe not.


I like the volunteer bit, thanks for reminding me. Will help at an event or 2 this year as last year I think I was hiding too much. :thinking:


Remind me, have you done a triathlon every year since 1990 or something daft?
Thats incredible :trophy::clap:t3:

That’s a bit, erm, and don’t read this the wrong way, but soft, based on your running, right?
Or do you lack endurance?

I’d also like to do a sub90 again, it’s been five years this March since my last one :exploding_head::rofl:


every year since '92 :sunglasses:

It was a close call in 2000 - edit I mean 2020 obv- with Covid shutting most of them down, but I think @gingerbongo came to the rescue by mentioning his local Dawlish sprint which they snook in at the last minute in October.

half marathon - it’s been a couple of years since I did one, that was Leicester in 1h24 admittedly in something of a monsoon. Yes in an ideal world I’d aim for 1h25 but am older and creakier. Also trained pretty hard for that so can’t really expect the same off current fitness

sub 90 feels like a nice number, based on your history and no nonsense approach to getting the job done, I reckon you could get again that this season if you avoid injury :muscle:t2:


Need to think about this in more detail, but I’d say my goals this year pretty much all running. PBs in brackets. These are all linked to round numbers and are rather ambitious, so likely to achieve 0%.

Half marathon: 1:25 [1:35 back in 2014] with longer term goal of 1:20
5k: 17:30 [18:15 last March at local parkrun] with longer term goal of 17:00
3000m: 10:00 [10:30.7 couple of years ago], in reality a longer term goal
1500m: 4:30 [4:33.0x last year]
800m: 2:10 [2:12.8 couple of years ago]
400m: 1:00 [did <58 2 years ago at event which didn’t have a licence :sob:]
Weight: 75kg [77kg right now]
Swim 400m: 6:00 [5:55 in December '22]


It’s taken me a while but I have set some targets and goals. Not that keen on sharing this year, as I gave up racing - and my hopes and dreams - last year, but it’s supposed to help innit.


  1. Get to 80kg and normal blood pressure
  2. London or virtual, Olympic tri 2h15
  3. Virtual half iron 5h30 in October


  1. Swim 1900m in 30mins by July
  2. Bike FTP 260W in Feb✅, 280W in May, 300w in July
  3. Consistent volume/worklife pattern
  4. Sleep and eat well

Is virtual 70.3
T mill/ run outside ?

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TBD. In the past it’s been cycle to local pool, swim, cycle back, Rouvy or FulGaz bike in the garage, then stagger around the local streets wondering why I’m such a shit runner until it’s done.

I can’t afford Rouvy or FulGaz this year so I might have to settle for a kilojoule-equivalent trainer ride, say 2.5hrs at 215W. Then run around the park. Maybe swim the day before or the day after when I’m near a Better pool.


Roughly what bike split would 215 w give you ?
I know there a million variables here.

2.5hrs. I’ve got 203W/2h37m as my PB virtual 70.3 bike. Another 10W should get me under 2h30 although I can’t recall which route it was.

Are you considering something similar?