2024 Races


No clue. Or idea.
It’s just a date.

It’s SDW100 that day

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My birthday, you’re getting the presents sorted I hope :rofl:



I do like a Saturday event, seems less “faffy” for some reason. Like you get a day back (Sunday) as I tend to just work on the Friday to keep my mind off things.

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Nice. I’m down for Windsor as well

Sure, meet me at the half way point an I’ll let you have it. It’ll be liquid, so bring a bag that can hold some :face_vomiting: :smile:

Seriously, I’m 80% sure I’m pulling out. I’ve just had too many setbacks lately. :frowning_face:

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I’m 100% with you on this. I don’t ‘hate’ racing on a Sunday but far far prefer a Saturday race. Plus with a lot of ultras, if you start on Sunday, you wouldn’t finish until Monday! :smile:

I have the 50km BWR on May Day Monday, that one seems really weird but it’s right on my doorstep, so not too bad.


Cool, I’m not sure what your wave options were when you signed up but I had the choice of a mixed AG or sub 2:30 wave - obvs went for the sub 2:30 wave.

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Does Windsor sell out these days?? Back in the day it used to be one of the “must do” events in the calendar and always sold out quickly. Think I did it 4x with one year becoming a duathlon due to heavy rain the week before and the river being in flood.

Anything labelled “Must Do” means “avoid like Covid” to me :rofl:

“Oh, you must go there whilst you’re there”
Goes there. Full of Instagram wazzocks and cock wombles.

“Oh, you run. You simply must do London marathon”
Erm. I’m alright mate. Running with 50k other people sounds like my idea of hell.

“Oh, you open water swim. You must buy a DryRobe. Amazing, so they are”
I’m okay. I’ll use a towel and get on my bike and cycle home.

“Ah! You cycle, too. There’s this cafe here, the BEST cake EVER. You MUST try it”
I don’t like cake. Or stopping on a ride.

I’ll tell thee what, how about having an opinion of your own and stop doing what you’re told and just do stuff you want?

(Like going out for a team lunch to TGI Friday’s, baulking at the cost of £21.60 for a shit burger and chips, so just sit there absolutely starving for 2hrs)


Who took the jam outta your doughnut? :rofl:


You OK hun??


I think I just went with my AG wave which I did when I last did it in 2019

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Just GBNews on and everything will be OK


Yenisehir Turkey World Para Triathlon Cup

5 of us in the PTS2 cat lined up in a deep water sea swim start along the PTS3 cats, the water was a nice 19 degrees, not flat but not the chop we had at the swim recce 2 days before. Swim starts are a bit of a nemesis for me as I’m no sprinter, got my head down @ the gun & put in 20 or so hard strokes then had a sight, the Aussy dude that started to my right had pulled 3 or 4 meters on me but was able to work my way up to his toes just before the first buoy. His swim times have been better than mine & my first instinct was to hitch a ride but it was way too easy so quickly made the move to overtake. Took me until the 2nd buoy to get past but now I couldn’t tell who was in my wave or the previous a minute earlier. At the 3rd& final buoy I got some taps to the toes & was doubting the decision to go in front but got my head down on the last leg & pulled a 30s gap.

Out of the water in 2nd 45s behind the French dude, pleased with the swim & reflects the swim progress I’ve made over winter.

Dropped off by the water handles at the beach pre transition, wetsuit off & bike leg on then make my way up the ramp best I can from the beach to transition, I can just see the Frenchy on his walking sticks not too far away but that’s the last I see of him. Transition to mount line is a long way on my cycling prosthetic & the Aussy pips me to the mount line, he’s much quicker in T1 and has about a 20m lead by the time I get mounted.

The bike is as fast and non technical as it could get, 3 laps of 3 lane wide super smooth carriage way. I suffered on the run in my last race so tempered the bike power to 220-230 watts & rode to plan. Quicky past the Aussy and opened a 2 minute gap, 2ndquickest bike with the French 23s quicker.

T2 is again not pretty running on the cycling leg, I have to change bike leg to run leg & lose 1min 35s to The Russian whose now in third (& has 2 legs :man_shrugging:) but still exit T2 in 2ndplace.

The run is a 2 lap out & back on a coastal bike path, I’ve had increasing difficulty in the last few weeks with the run leg staying on after sweating & not helped by losing some volume in my stump. I was resigned to needing to stop & dry off the sweat on the run as I’ve been needing to in training, unfortunately in the 25 degrees & humidity I was in trouble with my stump plunging in the liner after just 1.5km, I tried to stick it out until the half way mark but the pace had slowed too much so took the decision to stop & dry out the liner but with just a trisuit & wet hands I struggled to dry the liner & put it back on any better than before.

Running with a stump plunging inside the prosthetic leg is disconcerting as it feels like on any stride the leg could come off completely, not ideal but can’t fix it so just got to live with it now until the line.

The Russian was probably past me shortly after T2 but hadn’t noticed as he’s not an amputee. The Aussy passed me shortly after the stop, he didn’t seem like he was running too much faster than me & for a while after I got into a rhythm with the plunging, I thought I may be able to catch him but he finished 46s ahead.

So finished 4th & 3 minutes in front of the Spanish dude.

The run was disappointing as on paper it looks like I’ve not made any progress but just wasn’t able to show what I can do. 1 & 2nd was out of reach, but a podium was easily achievable.

This was their first triathlon event at Yenisehir & they put on a good one & overall it’s been a positive experience. The immediate plan is to get the ball rolling with a better fitting socket for the running leg but that’s a process that can take a month or two. I thought my slow run time (29:44) would take me out of selection for upcoming races but apparently the 4th place gets me automatic selection :man_shrugging:, will have to see how long the socket takes.


Dartmoor in a Day 50km Sept 14th - entered

North Coast 110km 4th Oct - entered


Club Members 10K race today

On road in the rain, a bit chilly.


The preperation:

Run 9km in an easy group once a week since December.

The tactics:

Run hard, see how much my body can take.

The execution:

Lead my category for about 4km as the gradient started to go back up. The more consistent runners had started to worry that I wasnt going to stop, was holding on for the downhill around 6km but I was shagged around 7km and stopped.
Hit the lap button, gave my self a few moments then started jogging.
About 2km later I felt okay so got the heart rate up over threshold again for the rest.
A faster category guy ran past me on the final stretch and I could hear his buddy lumbering up so turned on the afterburners to sprint finish ahead of him.

52min and change is about 2mins off my 10k PB in 2019, and 3 mins of my ‘21 London Olympic run leg so not lost a lot with this reduced running.

The cost:
Before - 87.1kg
After - 85.7kg

I am going to be crying tomorrow. My legs are stiff as hell already.


Fantastic effort
Pacing may need “ looking at “
Well done Joe.


Thanks @Mungo2

I’ve just seen the race photos and the guy I was straining every sinew to beat across the line…is cruising along looking at his bloody phone!!!



Maybe he was using the camera to check his heart rate he was pushing so hard? :rofl: