2024 Races

I’m in a quandry.

The friend that i’m doing a 70.3 with in 2 weeks time is having second thoughts. TBF it’s his first ever tri, he’s a really crap swimmer (worse than me) and has had a busy few months with work and stuff so is probably even more under prepared than i am.

Up to now we were saying we’d just go along for the craic. It’s only an hour away, so no big logistics or cost headaches. We were supposed to do a course recce tomorrow, but I hadn’t realised it clashes with my daughter’s first ever session at a new club; and i really want to be there with her. So that’s gone down the pan.

We can defer to the same race in Sept. I was fully committed to just doing the may race and have been basing my last couple of weeks’ activity on that decision. But now he’s sowed a seed of doubt.

Do i also defer, put some decent training in over the summer. Actually swim. Ride my bike outside. Give the race some respect and actually try to do well. Or just go and have a no drama bit of fun in a couple of weeks. Do i still go if he bails, as it’ll be a bit lonely, and not the fun event we’d envisioned?

But i fi push to Sept, it means i can’t be purely focussed on my planned 110 miler in Oct. Though i could easily enough do general training to be in good shape for that. Lots of hills etc. Or am i just kicking the can down the road, and will be just as under prepared in Sept as i am now?!

Decisions decisions.


I’d defer. ( if it’s free)

Wil you be in better shape tri wise in sept?
Will your mate actually drown ?!

With your run your going to do low 5 hours ( or faster ) doing breaststroke and on a mud plugger either way.

Following ….


I would probably do it but then I never feel fully prepared! I suppose it depends your reasons for doing it - aiming for a top spot/course PB (defer), just a bit of fun (do it), a social with your mate (defer) - a combo of the 3 I’d still do it and maybe think about another tri to do with your mate. Interesting they have gone for 70.3 as a first tri, how about finding a shorter one? How long have you got to defer and what is the weather looking like (that might steer me to defer if I was unprepared as well!).


As you’ve asked, my vote would be to stick to the plan :joy:
Good luck


Entered a race
One with swimming cycling and running in !

Tough one !


I’d do it now. You won’t drown, it won’t cost a fortune, it might kick start some cross training to take into summer, plus 110 miles is a long way and you don’t want extra pressure leading into that.


Drink a can of man up juice and do both!

And the ultra :muscle:

If it doesn’t kill ya it’ll make ya stronger :boom:


Any entries left for @jeffb to join as well - sounds like he’s ready, keen and able!


Fitness can be fleeting, if you’re healthy - race.

I’d remind him of the same.


Funny you should say that but I’ve been considering challenge :wales: 😂


I’m going to defer, but appreciate the input.

Some good points here from you all. Thanks for the varying perspectives, but this post probably helps me the most in terms of thinking out loud. Have also had a chat with Mrs GB.

PB - definitely not. It’s a hilly, slow course. Similar profile m/km to Wales - similar types of hill and roads as well. Finishes with a multi terrain, hilly (for a tri) run.

Position - initially when i signed up i was coming off the back of my Wales fitness. I looked at the previous year’s results and whilst of course you can’t control who turns up on the day, based on last year i thought i’d be within a decent shout of picking up a first V40 win/podium on a good day. I’m sooo far from that now. General fitness is picking up, but no endurance. Have only ridden beyond on hour (all indoors) once, and that was only 90! Course is lulmpy and long. Likely to be 3+ hrs.

Social - yes, a big aspect. Was going to be fun to have company at the start etc, supporting at the end. Our wives and kids would all be there together for the run too. So that’s important to me.

His first - understood from a conventional position. But he’s done multiple 100+ mile ultras, was one of the 3 on our 300km cycle last year. So he’ll be fine.

got another week to defer.

And after all that, i’m pretty sure i’m going to defer (as is he). I can build up the endurance if we ever get a summer. If i am able, i’ll give it a ‘proper’ crack at doing well in my AG. If not, i’ll just do it anyway in Sept as a warm-up/training day for my ultra. I’ll have to balance longer running with cycling, but have found that increasing cycling has always transferred really well to my running.

Also, i’m nursing an achilles niggle at the mo. Would’ve been able to get through the 70.3, but it would’ve been sore afterwards. Will go see the physio and get on top of this early instead i think. Have also been slowly increasing my S&C lately, so hopefully starting to increase resilience around niggle management.

Sorry for the self indulgent ramble. But i always find writing stuff down brings clarity.


That was one of my option when i was looking last year. Right up near where i grew up in Pembs. Looks like a pretty fun race. Long out and back section on the bike - would suit you. Bit of a lumpy, meandering run course which will take any rhythm away - again probably suiting someone with your run experience (vs a classic road runner).

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I’m glad there was no more talk from you about actually swim training, I nearly pulled an intercostal reading that in your initial post.



Sorry guys, just got back from a swim, what did I miss?


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I may splash about in the sea every now and again.

We’re starting the little one in a Surf Life Saving Club tomorrow. So i’ll be down the beach at 0930 every Saturday morning for the next few months … (though i’ll probably get roped into volunteering instead).


I don’t know how you’ll fit it in with your yoga & weight training.

I take the piss, but I appreciate that you probably get more enjoyment out of your precious spare time down the allotments & spending time with your 3 girls :heart::heart::heart:



I’m never going to be as dedicated as some on here. It’s all about that balance isn’t it.

But yes, I do spend a lot of time digging and pruning and planting. And that makes me very happy. Same as sitting in the garden of a morning watching and listening to the birds. Very comfortable in my move to middle age hobbies.

But I do still have a bit of fire in me still


Anyone see the modest changes to the Roth bike course? Now apparently fully traffic free :muscle:


@gingerbongo - if it’s going to rain I would definitely can it


I think that’s the right move @gingerbongo - get fit over the summer and crush that race
