2024 Races

Ale AND cycling. For example :eyes:



@joex - NO :raised_hand:t5::stop_sign:

FFS :face_with_peeking_eye:
Quit the warm, mild ales.
Go to Evans and buy a normal helmet instead of a BMX one.
Go home.
Stretch, recover, fiddle around with those bikes off yours that are broken instead. Get that 10km flushed. Ale isn’t gonna do that.

@gingerbongo - Do it in May. Otherwise you’ll feel like you’ve been (loosely) training for a race for about six months. Also, it’s utterly dog turd “training” through end of July and into August. You’ll end up doing “summer holiday” stuff and not training anyhow. Probably ending up in a worse position (Intervals.icu number wise) than where you are now.



Normally would have agreed with that but GB is doing it with his mate right? That’s a different prospect and having a fun weekend away as opposed to executing a race after a good block of training.

Yeah Joe that helmet is terrible! What is it bamboo effect?


I get where you’re coming from, but yeah as Adam says there’s mainly a social aspect to it. And I absolutely won’t have a worse intervals.icu score than I have now! I’m not gonna go full training mode all summer - long tt rides and all that jazz. But I will have the opportunity to do long hilly rides with my mates again, which will help endurance no end. Plus I’ll be doing long runs during the summer which will help things.

So it won’t be a 100% optimised 70.3 training block. More just being much more generally fit.


Is it Justin you’re doing it with? Try not to brake him, I need him to sweep me up in the bus at the 110 :rofl:

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Haha. Noooo. I’d never get him on a bike or swimming! :joy:

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Ah. Gotcha :white_check_mark::+1:t3:
Must’ve missed that in the first post.

I find that cycling helps my running, but running doesn’t help my cycling. And in a triathlon, if you can’t bike well, the run skills don’t matter, as they just evaporate.

Anyhow - defer :+1:t3:
May is way too early for a half.
Weather tends to be garbage.

My last year for ref…

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I have a very particular commuter wardrobe. Distinctive, yet with no sign of hi-viz or Christmas tree :facepunch:

I’m looking at a Van Rysel Road or Tri today for if/when I get a road bike. Otherwise an Align II.

Seems like the tight decision. My achilles has flared up over the weekend for some reason, haven’t run on it since Wed though.

Best get it sorted ASAP so I can enjoy my summer.


Did my 3rd Hyrox this weekend, down here in Olympia. Felt much more with it this time, previously I DNF’d (up in Manchester) and then barely scraped a finish in Birmingham.
This time I paced myself and didn’t do any strenuous activity after a parkrun approx 36 hours earlier.
Felt like my recent weight training helped, the sled-pull seemed much easier, the lunges were not too bad. Despite a lot of training with the wall balls, these were still my worst discipline, I’m still not being that accurate with the throw, I think I have to stand a further half-step back from the target, and I lose my flow when a no-throw is called.
Still pathetic as far as the results go, finished in 1hr47, some 40 mins behind the 50-54 winner.
Onwards and upwards, will try to get a place in the Excel Hyrox towards the end of the year.


1st race back yesterday since 2xbroken clavicle ops, DVT and an infected cyst op
Hart Sprint…400swim(5:16), 13.5mile bike(36.28), 2.6milerun(17:06) 3rd overall and 1st >45 in the pi55ing rain…Good to be back.
Outlaw Half next…


Nice !!
A pb is a pb
Onwards !
Lots of folk moaning ( lots and lots actually ) about a 7 min run penalty ?!
One of the laps was shorter / longer than the rest ? When your on the limit it’s an easy mistake.
I have a proper programme ready in august for hyrox Birmingham, it’s wall ball heavy but I’m just crap at them !

Did they use the new sleds and the non elastic rope?
Did you have to touch your toes on the burpee jumps ( new rule?!?)

Well done again it’s horrible in places but a really good test

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Dear me those are impressive figures especially the swim ! With the medical stuff … Jesus.

I have a sprint tri on the horizon … I’ll be miles behind that.


First lap was slightly longer than the rest. Last lap was quite a bit shorter as the wall balls were quite separate from the other areas. Relatively simple to work out the number of laps needed each time though.
Sleds and ropes seemed fine. Not stretchy at all. BBJs I did as previously (I never got an email prior to the event like a lot of people) keeping the hand placement only a few inches in front of the feet. As usual there was the speedsters who were throwing themselves forward when hitting the floor one in particular managed three quarters of a length before getting a warning, didn’t have to go back though!
I thought it was all very efficiently organised but have also heard mixed reports.


Lots of people getting sled pb”s push and paticulary pull recently with the new equipment which is now standardised.

The new burpees ( touch your toes) seem weird at first, they slow you down slightly but if anything make it slightly “ easier” not a word you’d associate with BBJ”s I know!

Loads I know in for Birmingham in oct looking forward to it !

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Pulled out of SDW100 but will give Serpent Trail a go on July 6th


Sunday was Wings For Life World Run. I flew back from New York on Friday, fortunately international travel doesn’t impact me too much, but a couple of KG extra weight (lots of travel recently) isn’t great for running

I haven’t done any marathon pace efforts this year, so it was a bit of an adventure, my aim was to go over 35k before the catcher car got me.

At the start I felt really strong, and ran the first 5k in 19:30. The group I was with was a little too fast, so backed off a little and ended up running alone for the next 5k. 10km was 39:50. I was caught by a lady and another man, and we ran together for a bit, crossing 21k in 1:28:00 - a very respectable HM pace. At this point I backed off to 4:45/km fearing a major explosion, interestingly I didn’t explode and ran consistently at 4:45 for the rest of the race. Between km25 to km30 a few people passed be, however, After km 30 I started to pass loads of people. Eventually i was caught by the catcher car after 41.6km and 3h6m. I was 13th in Zug (out of 5000) and 399 in the world out of 56000 runners

Very pleased with my race. I deliberately paced it fast at the start as my aim was a sub 40 10k and sub 1:30 HM and to test how my legs would feel in the second half. Fuelling was using whatever gels I had in the house, and I took a gel every 5k - around 90g carbs per hour. At the feed stations, which were located every 7k, I took a cup of water and a coke or redbull. In the second half I walked the feed stations, probably should have done this from the start

The course was undulating, with 350m over 40km. Weather was 20 degrees and sunny, with a light breeze, which helped with cooling.

I am pretty confident that I still have a sub 3hr Marathon in me on a flat course and with a little more preparation


A clubmate is injured, can’t do The ROC & was too late to defer so I managed to get his place yesterday.

So, in 4 days time I’ve got a 1500m sea swim, 50km bike, run up & down Yr Wyddfa, 50km bike & 1km beach run.

Feeling a little underprepared, but it’s a bucket list Welsh triathlon along with Tenby, good old Bala Middle & Blaenafon which unfortunately I never got to do.

Am I going to see you there @Clive?


JEALOUS :sob::face_with_peeking_eye::heart_eyes:

And it’s all from Cheshire-on-the-sea, AKA Abersoch :rofl:

Weather looks class, too.
A former Outlaw winner took the win a few years back. A few articles on their website by him :+1:t3:

Watkin Path route up too :rofl:
Not missing any elevation going that way up.

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