2025 goals

But 1 country is ok, right? :smile:


My mind immediately went to three. Must add “Ambitious” to my CV.


Surely that is a good goal with a bit of difficulty.

Being jailed in two countries, but only if at the same time, probably easy if not concurrent.


Just signed up for this

Backyard style.
10 hours.
10 laps.
You pick either 3,4 or 5 mile routes.

Medal is based on shortest lap


Ok so first things first. Get rid of this stupid viral/ chest infection which I have had for about 4 weeks now and which has really restricted my breathing and training but has helped my knee recover. However once that is done …

Sporting Goals

First a sub 5 HIM
I will do both Cotswold races but have the best chance in the first one in June as the bike is flatter. This is going to be a stretch goal for me but one that I’m already motivated for. I am really going to have to improve my cycling. Will say more on the specific thread.

Then run further than I have ever done before
So Jan and I have entered the BackYard Ultra in Thetford in September. Comrades in 2022 was 90.7Km so by my maths that means 14 laps to achieve. As long as I don’t get an injury or the knee issue I had does not flare up then I think that this is doable. The thing is, at this point I expect Jan to be still going, so I can’t stop at this point, can I? :wink: I think that the next challenge would then be to see the sun come up; after this and if I am still going god know what after that. Again really looking forward to this

Work Goals
Have said elsewhere that the University have offered redundancy which I have applied for. I find out hopefully next month whether they will accept my application. If they do, then I finish at the end of April and plan not to work the summer. Whatever I decide in the Autumn I will take my pension or more to the point the tax free cash, which leads to the last part

Late 2025/ 2026 goals

I’ve already entered Dublin Marathon in October and want to use it to get a qualification for 2026 Comrades. I’ve never done the ‘Up’ run, and as Jan likes to remind me 'You’ve never done Comrades until you have done the Up Run

Using some of the cash from the redundancy I am going to try and do Tokyo Marathon with Jan in 2026. She wants to do all of the Majors and I want to go to Tokyo. It’s almost impossible to get into this race as others have noted. So its cough up the dough and go with Marathon Tours or some such company

Really looking forward to all of this; especially the not working anymore bit :slightly_smiling_face:


I just read that on the website. That should help keep you focussed. Good luck with the training.

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Focus is what I need :rofl:


Your VR process seems a bit more drawn out, although ours usually take a bit longer but they were desperate for quick savings in October I think.

Sounds like a decent plan if you can take your pension and lump later in the year to fund some adventures.

Good luck with Tokyo, I think I’ll be trying both ballots a few more times yet.


A few goals for me, for the coming year.

Fitness / sport stuff
Ride a 200k and 300k audax. Will see how they go and if I’ve sorted out my nutrition woes, then I’ll enter a 400k
Ride over 5000 road miles for the year, commuting and training.
Currently on 43 Parkruns. Will aim to get to 50 by the year’s end. I know this is very modest, but with my foot problems, this is realistic.
Will ParkRun volunteer and aim to do at least 5 events.
While I’ve entered an oly tri, at the moment I really can’t see me making the start line, but we’ll see.

Work stuff
I’ve been doing the same job for a very long time and basically happy in what I’m doing. Planning on doing some project work on using AI in the classroom. Other than that, an arbitrary goal of not getting so stressed about work and letting it spoil my time at home. Not actually sure what that looks like, but I’ll try to figure out something practical to improve this.

Other interests
I’ve entered a motorcycle landmark challenge event, to get me out and about on my Honda. Aiming to complete all the English and Welsh landmarks over the summer. Continue to tinker with the bike and enjoy a bit of spannering.
Get back into my passion for all things aviation. The cheap option to join a local radio controlled model flying club and maybe over the summer look at joining a gliding club, which I did at university and loved.

Other other stuff
Try not to be so grumpy. I really feel at times I’m turning into a grumpy old bloke. Need to try to see the fun and joy in the day-to-day stuff, rather than letting it get to me.

I think that’s probably enough to keep me busy.


Go on…

Think it was @doka or @Bob who put me onto it, on the motorcycle thread.


What did they create that website with, Frontpage :joy:

That looks good though.


No me, never heard of it. Looks cool though.


Yeah felt like I needed a medal for reading that. It looks really interesting though. You could combine it with anything really, moto, driving, running or cycling.
Really good way of deciding where to explore.


Iain’s 2025 Goals:

Professional Goals:

  • Get a job.
  • Ideally don’t hate said job, but that’s secondary… just getting past the AI screening is proving hard just now!

Physical Goals:

  • My brother and I are going on our annual ski touring trip in April: I need to be fit enough that that’s not a complete sufferfest
  • Toe the line at the Ultra in Verbier in July
  • Exit the year having got under 90 kilos and keeping it there. Ideally in the 80-85 range; I don’t think I’ll ever get back to my ‘racing weight’ of 70-72kg
  • Start strength training. I’m phenomenally weak.
  • 300+ hours of measurable activity (low by the standards around here, but I’ve not reached it in a few years)

Personal Goals:

  • Spend more time with Friends/Family or doing stuff… I’m fundamentally pretty lazy, so can readily spend entire weekends on the sofa.
  • Figure out if I actually like cycling or not.
  • Learn something I don’t know what this is, but on top of keeping my bastard DuoLingo streak I want to develop a new skill. I used to like a bit of programming, so maybe trying to do a bit of that. I would like to see some significant improvements in my French, but I’m not sure the best way to do that, since Duo doesn’t seem to coupé le moutard
  • Read 26 books (it’s been a target for the last few years, and while it’s not a huge number it makes me more likely to read a book on a train or something than watch crap on my phone)

January Goals:

  • 10,000m human powered vert (I’m already 984m behind the target, but clear weather forecast for next week should help)
  • Show some actual progress on the job front
  • Define what learning something actually means

Oh triggering, PTSD. Fuck havent thought about that shit show in years, decades even


Haha, sorry. It was one of the subpages which has an absolutely hideous theme that I’m fairly sure was one of the built in templates from it!

We did use it for a short while before moving onto an equally big pile of sh1t that is coldfusion! :poop::poop:

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The company after which I’m looking for a job… our product was built on Coldfusion. Apparently that was part of the problem. I know nothing about it, other than the rants!

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I’ve used Google Notebook LM to create AI podcasts for my exam units to help the students revise.



Thanks @funkster :+1:t2:. Will have a look at this!