Thanks mate, yes, despite how horrific it was, turned out to be a great confidence booster.
This site loves you FP!
Is it happy Australia Day ?
I write my weight in the diary on a Monday morning … it says it’s your national day.
Have a good one!
Thanks Mate, It was yesterday actually but the holiday is today. I wasn’t feeling very ‘Aussie’
Hundred Hills 50km. I needed a March race ahead of SDW50 in April.
25km loop with 4,000ft of climbing
Boycott them FP for that faux pas already!
And there’s better be 100 hills on the route!
Definitely on the first point.
The SLA has a 10% tolerance on the second.
I remember doing their Wendover Woods event thinking ‘well how hilly can woods be’?
Pretty fucking hilly was the answer!
There may not be hundred hills, but there’s some fuckin steep ones!!
Have given this Dartmoor in a Day 30km hike with LO idea a bit more thought. I don’t think it’s going to work well logistically.
It will be the weekend before her first proper week of high school (they start the Wed before but have some weird ‘day camp’ thing for a couple of days) and given the travelling Friday and how tired she’ll be on the Sunday, I think I’m going to can that.
There is another option though. CSW have their Jurassic extinction race late June and there is a 33km option, it’s open to walkers at a minimum pace but I reckon she could maintain that.
That might work out better and crucially, it’s after SATS. (don’t even get me started)
Planning on doing a local fell race tomorrow, it’s 16K with about 500M ascent and a lot of it is on my usual recent training route. It’s a nice loop and quite undulating, forecast looks cold but calm and dry so should be good.
The first 3K is pretty much uphill which will thin out the field. Mostly a training run for me.
Only downside is that the village is pretty small and I suspect there’ll be a reasonable turnout.
Funny, isn’t it?
First race of the year (in fact first race in a year). Local 5 mile previously won by a certain Beth Potter.
Anyway, woken up slightly nervous.
No idea why, done it multiple times previously. And it’s not like I’ll be near the front!
Good luck Adam
Good luck !
Good luck mate. Must feel like an afternoon race for you
Haha thanks all.
5.1 miles in 33:02. 6:29 minute miles / 4:02 minute k’s.
Heart and lungs fine. Legs, less so.
Had to back off after 4 miles. Quads starting to cramp and just couldn’t go any faster.
Very nicely done
I made it to the fell race today but nearly changed my mind when I got there and was considering a steady run on one of my regular routes there, wasn’t really feeling it. But saw a lot of people from the club, registered wrapped up as it was quite chilly.
I tried to start towards the front as I knew it went to a narrow track after 800M and as luck would have it there was also a car coming down the first track so we got past a bit quicker than some. It settled down a bit and I lost a few places on the first ascent. There’s nearly 3K of climbing from the start.
I tried not to overdo it knowing how the course went and there was a tough little climb through a lot of heather and bracken we had to do twice. It the goes into a gradual drag and a couple of people still caught me and were getting closer, but at the top there’s a great 2K descent and I pulled away from a couple and went past a couple. I was also starting to gain on someone from the club that had gone past me earlier on. I’d been trying not to batter myself in the first 8K knowing it was tough course.
I then followed a couple of people up the climb through the heather for the second time, straight back down and then into another climb, by now a few of us had grouped up going into the last decent climb. I managed to get a bit of a gap on some of them and then went past someone else who was going backwards with 3K to go.
It’s mostly downhill from there but the first one has a few uneven bits and a couple of them caught and edged past me again! Once it levelled out I managed to get a few metres on one of them and the other walked a bit when it went slightly uphill so I knew he was a bit cooked and there was another small sharp climb near the end.
We went down the last descent pretty much together and when we turned onto the main track he slowed on the little climb but I knew he’d be quick on the descent so I put in a little dig that bloody hurt my quads were a bit battered by then but it’s a very fast last 600M to the finish so I blasted it hoping I’d hold them off.
I felt a bit better later in the race but the cold has got on my lungs a bit and I’ve been coughing quite a bit. Also tired now.
It’s a nice course but pretty relentless, you are either going up or down, with only about one stretch of 600M that is remotely flat.
I finished in 93 minutes which I was fairly happy with.
Got a 32K trail race next week but it’s got about the same climbing but a lot more on paths and road so nowhere near as technical, see how I get on there.
That was a bloody effort Jeff
My mate Jamie is doing his Comrades qualifier at Goodwood on Sunday. I notice there is a 20 miler going off 15 mins after the marathon people. I might give it a nudge because we will finish pretty close together.
It’s either that or the LDWA have a (I think) 18 miler around the Meon Valley on Sunday. Not sure which one yet.
Let us know if you go to Goodwood as I should be able to pop along and give you some support.
That would great thanks. I’ve entered the 20 miler