2025 Races

Did a 10km race in the desert this morning. It was fun and mad in equal proportion. Actually that’s not true, it was madder than it was fun.

We took a team from the clinic, but things got off to an inauspicious start when our car got stuck in sand 2km from the start. We abandoned it and hitched a lift with a passing land cruiser.

Got to the start line just in time to whack on some suncream, and then off. It was 100% on soft sand, but the first 6km was flat. The last 4km was anything but, as we traversed 4 massive dunes.

Found myself in 8th place coming off the final dune, and there it would have stayed, except that the guy in front slowed then suddenly stopped dead, started ranted and raging in Arabic, and then proceeded to take off both shoes which had evidently filled up with so much sand that there was no longer room for his feet.

He tied them round his neck and ran the last kilometer barefoot.

48m50s and 7th / 4th V40.

At the finish line one of my partners in crime for the day, a Scottish gynaecologist, started working the crowd looking for a knight in shining armour with a Land cruiser and a tow rope, and found one too. So we got out of the desert and here we are.


I was intrigued by the strava upload this morning as it looked a bit ‘deserty’!

MdS next then Fruity?!


Not a race, but there’s a plan brewing amongst my crew which for some reason is really calling to me. It’s going to be in June as well, so nice long day/short night which will make it much more enjoyable.

Gives me 4 months to get back into some sort of shape.


Aren’t you V50 :man_shrugging:t2:


Yeah but that wasn’t a category. There was prize money for the first 3 M40+, was neck and neck with the guy who took the last envelope (but didn’t know it at the time :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)

GB… er, no to MDS. Stuff of madness from my perspective :smiley: but I expect right up your street - what scheme are you conjuring up now??


Well, I’m not doing the conjuring. At the mo I’m finding myself very intrigued.

It’s a bit of a trig hunt across Dartmoor with a couple of mates. Looking like 110 miles or so.


He’s going to verify the range of his new EV by driving in a straight line and then running home when the battery goes flat.


Thought you’d DNFd after stopping to help. But nope just cruised on by.


The moment has passed to comment on plenty of sand for you!

But the sandman triathlon had about 3K on sand which was hard work at the end of the race, excellent race though, always fancied doing it again and the slateman but the water was freezing :cold_face:


The 2024 Northumberland duathlon run legs amounted to 12/15km on the sand. Safe to say no PBs that day


Another trail race tomorrow around Harrogate, did it a couple of years ago on what was a pretty warm day for early Feb and well into double figures, going to be a bit different tomorrow with a cold easterly and maybe some drizzle.

I’m in the 33K race and depending on whether Garmin or Strava is right it’s between 400-700M ascent .:man_shrugging:

Going to be the longest I’ve ran since Berlin I think so a bit nervous but sure I can survive.

Currently digging out every warm item of clothing I own :cold_face::joy:

Edit: finished in 3:03 a few years ago but was a bit fitter, so hopefully something near this time as I lost a bit of time that day taking wrong turns!


Good luck Jeff. Pretty grim tomorrow, stay upright :wink:


Good luck, have a good one👊


Hope @jeffb got back in one piece :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Mixed bag today but generally quite pleased as my knee was a bit sore last night, sometimes happens when my quad is tight.

Anyway, just I was heading to registration I saw a big group of runners heading towards me and I was a bit worried they were the race I was doing and this was confirmed. I then said that the start was supposed to be 8:15, it was just about 7:45 so should have quite a bit of time even though the start was about 5 minutes away. So I was then in a bit of panic as I needed to register and although I was mostly ready, and without going into too much detail I had a slightly bad stomach!

As I was heading down I saw the RD coming back and he said he’d follow me down and acknowledged that the race brief on the email did say 8:15 start instead of 8, and it also said registration was until 8. I knew he wanted to get back for the last race so I said I knew where I was going, he did say he’d either deduct my time or what I told them at the end.

This was both good and bad, I knew I wouldn’t get dragged along by a fast start, but equally knew that the people I’d be around would be long gone and I’d have probably dug a bit deeper to keep up with them in places. So it turned into a TT. It actually wasn’t that long before I caught the tailrunners and a few of the slower people, a few others said they’d also been late or just about due to start time.

The trails weren’t too bad, not too muddy for early Feb and a damp winter, but the first 6K or so is technical at times with tree routes, greasy boulders as it follows the river. I tried breaking it up into 3*11K and I went through the first 11K in 61:30. The next section also included a few long drags, for anyone that has ridden Harrogate on Zwift, those lumps aren’t false :joy: there was also a few muddy farm fields. But my pace on this section stayed about the same and was a very similar split.

I knew the last bit had a reasonable amount of tarmac and although I was catching people and some of the 35 mile runners I knew I wasn’t pushing particularly hard. I then switched off with about 6K to go, I could see some runners and tape markings ahead so kept going but missed the split turn for our race, I hadn’t looked at my watch. I caught one of them and had noticed on my watch I was off course and he confirmed he was doing the ultra! So, by the time I’d retraced my steps I’d lost about 4 minutes :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I eventually got to the finish in 3:07 on my watch and showed them that and they took the time. This would actually have won me the M50 category, but the current results show me with the time of 3:15 which was from the main start and I suspect they’d already given the other M50 the trophy. Wasn’t too bothered though as it was mostly a training race.

Looking back at my HR it was lower than I’d expect for a race of that distance but not having people to race didn’t help. But on the plus side I know I don’t feel too battered and to do 33K on a cold day and that route wasn’t bad but there was barely 600M ascent. With a few more runs and drier conditions I’d still like to think I’ll be around 5 hours at the 50K race in April.


Nice work Jeff !
Your moving well
Someone nicked your trophy lad


Nice work in tough conditions & thanks for sparing us the details of your pre-race gastrointestinal situation


Well that’s a good result timewise Jeff but pretty rough that they just decided to start the race early. I’m sure you weren’t the only one caught out?

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You’ll be a fucking weapon the day you turn up on time & healthy.



The start must have been advertised in two places as so many either saw something saying 8 or were just early by chance, but I double checked the notes and was right and he confessed to copying a previous year :joy:

Like I saw not too bothered and a nice little race company and even TC got there early enough for the ultra, I think :joy: