Garmin questions

What’s body battery?

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I completely ignore it, I get huge recovery times after cycling 5km back from work on my Brompton (steadily as doing a proper session when I get home) then do a hard turbo 15mins later which then gives me a shorter recovery time.

It’s some sort of algo that looks at your stress levels, sleep and stuff.

I have no idea what it means in literal terms, but it does generally coincide with how i’m feeling. For example after a race or hard effort and then a sleep it won’t get back up to 100 overnight. Similarly if i’ve had a restless sleep/woken up by the kiddos, then my battery won’t be at 100 by the morning and that mirrors how i feel.


I have no idea.
It has a number which I ignore.

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Without valid VO2max data, it’s a nonsense, what are your VO2max (on the watch enter the training status face) I imagine they’re eithere not provided or ludicrously low?

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This is probably because the watch is starting from a blank. It has no history on your fitness. There is a setting called Physio True Up and it will sync and combine the data from other devices. Although I’ve you’ve just upgraded from a 920XT you probably have nothing to sync


Probably very little.

Even with that data it comes up with some total nonsense!

It has my VO2 as 59, but i’ll often get crazy long recovery suggestions for not much activity!


Using a proper HR meter the second time, but wrist on the brompton I bet. Oh and if you got a shorter time, then it showed that the algorithm is working to some extent, as it noticed you didn’t need all the recovery from that first brompton effort,

Wrist HR will render any of the firstbeat metrics ludicrous, so if you do any activities with only wrist, you can forget all of it.

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This is what I was saying above about upgrading. These new features they chrun out are just crap.

The best thing they have added in years is when you are running at night if your turn your wrist it automatically turns the back light on. That is a useful feature.


It’s got my Vo2 max as 52 :man_shrugging:t4:

@GRamsay - I imported all of my old data, but obvs no HE and stuff, as all of that was on Apple.

Spot on deduction Holmes.
I only use the chest strap on the “proper” bike. Wrist on Brompton and running (I used to use the chest strap for running and had no problem with it but then it started falling down, even new ones so gave up). My 735 doesn’t do swimming HR unless I wear the strap which I only do once in a blue moon as it keeps slipping down unless I wear it with wetsuit.
ETA - having said all that, the HR from my rides on the Brompton usually does look “about right” but running (and particularly rowing) is all over the shop.

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FirstBeat uses HRV not just HR, so the headline can look good still, but it still hides the variation in beat to beat timing even if it got that it was 130 beats.

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Yep, same trend for me. When I had covid, it would never get above 60% even after sleep.

@Poet the mapping feature is really good. I’ve been for a few longer trail runs and I can follow a map route to make sure I don’t get too lost! My process is to create the route in Strava, star it and it will copy it across to Garmin. The LiveTrack feature is quite good if you’re going for a long run/ride, it will share your location - I use this a lot with my family because I say I’ll be 2 hours then take 3!

Workouts are quite good. I create them in Garmin and then the watch will prompt after each step.

What watch did you used to have? I had a 910 before 945 so not having to plug it in to upload activities was ace.

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920XT, so it had workouts and Bluetooth uploads.
It was “functional” but a bit dated.
My Apple Watch was also dated (series 2), so I thought about combining them.

I like the daily steps and HR monitoring.
I don’t wear a watch in bed. That’s just weird.
So the sleep and ox (?) stuff is lost on me.

I’ve never really been one for maps/routes.
I tend to just plot it online (bike rides) and remember them🤷🏽‍♂️

I’ve added Incident Detection, but I’ve never had an off whilst out training either :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Fenix 7 and Epix released now and the Epix look pretty good.

It tends to track pretty well with how “up for” training people are. So if you’re undecided a glance could nudge you one way or the other.

Recovery Time is not what people think it is. It is not saying “don’t train again until after this period”

Alright EJC :wink:
What is it then???

I aren’t gonna look at the watch to see if I wanna train or not.

Am I swimming/gymming?
Is it below 0° outside?
Yes. (I’m turboing)
No. (I’m heading to the gym/pool)


Am I turboing?
Am I awake?
I’m turboing.

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Sleeps vaguely interesting, suggested workouts, training plans…

It will take a few weeks to learn who you are, so hold fire on Stato.

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