Garmin questions

I feel a bit of a spammer putting my short commutes on Strava, but hey miles is miles.

Do your sessions that stay private count towards weekly totals in your club tables or do those hours/kms stay secretive?

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Despite having mine default to private and only sharing after I’ve updated details, and leaving out some commutes/really short stuff for a couple of years I’d never actually bothered to check this.

I can now confirm the private activities do NOT show up in the club leaderboards.


As @BadAsh says, private activities are effectively invisible, so no club leaderboards, no segment leaderboards (except against yourself). I mostly leave my indoor stuff private and share the rest. I’m sure there is a setting specific to Commute somewhere, but I couldn’t find it just now.


They do seemingly contribute to Challenges if that’s what you’re into.

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Not sure if you default mute but I generally do race WU and CD as muted. That wya they are on your profile, count to mileage etc but dont appear in others feeds and club feed etc


So, Mrs eJC’s garmin had died…

What has replaced the 935 ? i can’t seem to get one without paying much more than i spent on mine about 5 or 6 years ago…

My friend contacted Garmin about repairing his 735XT which he’d smashed the screen on. If he returned it they would give him a 30% discount off a new watch as they no longer make the 735. So he got a 265 for about 300. Maybe worth a shot.


Thanks…i will try…

I am so lazy and really should look at the models…i have always lazily assumed that 9s were better then 7s etc…so i have no idea what a 265 does.


I think the 9 series is more aimed at triathlon and has the better battery for a potential 17 hour Ironman!

I thought the 2 series was more aimed at running but has a lot of crossover features and would be enough for most people?

Edit: might be deals next week as well


My 945 started letting in water. I sent it back to Garmin and they offered a factory refurbished 955 for £100 in exchange. It looked as new and came with warranty. Excellent value/service from Garmin.

My wife has the 245 music. I don’t understand the difference between the 2 and the 9 series either. Her 245 is a similar size to my 9x5 and has all the sports profiles for swim, bike run, etc.


I’ve got a 245 and it’s been a brilliant watch. Great value.

It’s knocking on for 4 years old now, and i am starting to have the itch. I’ll likely get the 265 that Sowler mentioned when i’m next in the market - but would be waiting for it to get closer to 300 than 400.


Yeah, but can you do golf with them :thinking::joy:


I’ve not got a bad thing to say about the 255 I got earlier this year - admittedly it doesn’t have the nice 265 screen but it does everything I need


In terms of hours of use, it might be close to one of my most used profiles this year. Despite having only played one round! Says more about how much SBR I’ve done.

Genuinely though, the golf profile is a deal breaker for me in stepping away from the 9xx series.


And as if by magic, I think my watch is fubarred. :roll_eyes::grimacing:

Not charging properly. It’s been on for hours. Went up to a max of 38%. So I took it off for a while, charged it again and now it’s down to 28%. Bloody great!

Really really do not need this expense right now. I’m counting down the days to payday as it is.


Check the cable and clean the contacts before condemning the watch.

Hasn’t been in a cold damp place as well has it?

He doesn’t live up Norf Jeff


Yep done all that. It’s registering the charger is in, just not doing much. Soft reset as well.

Next try will be a hard reset I think.

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I would still try another cable if you have one, or buy one. Always good to have a few spares stashed around the place anyway.