IM Frankfurt 2022

Wow, glad you are ok mate. Well done for finishing but that sounds scary!

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Holy shit dude. Hope you’re feeling better real soon. That’s scary stuff.

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Glad you’re ok mate. Incredible effort. Enjoy a decent sleep!

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Enjoy wearing your finishers t-shirt! After finishing in such a scary but heroic fashion, I reckon you’ve earned the right to wear that on your journey home and all of next week!!


Even got the ‘I’ve had the drip in the med tent’ dressing nicely on show. Top bombing!


Bloody hell, sounds like a great job all round finishing that off today - well done all!

Did you look at your shirt and get dizzy? :grin:


Bloody hell, take it easy for a while and recover. But well done for finishing the job off!

I just can’t imagine them letting you back on the course in the UK if that happened!


The caveat was my wife had to accompany me.


Didn’t want you doing a Sarah Trew


Well done to you all and the support crews! Tough day ….but they all are………have a beer you have all earned it


Yeh was a strange day as i felt pretty empty on the bike but salvaged something with a 5:20 despite a mechanical so when I hit t2 I needed a 3:33 marathon to dip under sub 10, lap 1 very floaty at 3:25 pace and hr v controlled under LT1 then at 12 k the head fell off slightly and changed all feeds to water, salt tabs and red ambulance which really got me moving. Decided I’ll run now until I hit that ten hour mark then we can have another mental battle!! Literally a minute or two after that 10 hour it just all went dark !!

Body is amazing at controlling idiots like myself!! From not being able to stand to 90 mins later being able to walk the end was surreal

R and r now and subtle convincing to my ever suffering wife to let me toe the line again after that, very scary for both of us



Just checked out the age group winner a fella called Jack Troake from Devon way. He got a wriggle on !


Needs to learn how to swim :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I see Horsfall-Turner pulled the plug on the run, too
(He won Outlaw last year in 8:36 and is now racing Pro)

Judging by Troake’s splits, he could also bag a card if he should so wish.

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Yeh Andy is quite local to me, he’ll of an athlete and ex national swimmer. Really is a genuinely nice person very giving of his time and good fun

Lots of the male pros dropped out on the run, I had a good little run and chat with nils fromhold on my first lap he had a tough day

That bike course is amazing Tbf and the support on the run course is banging, I strongly suggest doing it if you haven’t it’s class


@funkster @Mathew_Pritchard well done, It sounds like a really tough race, really impressed that you carried on after passing out, that’s pretty hard core. One of my training partners also fell apart at 140km on the bike.

This is a good reminder that Ironman is a massive undertaking and pushes us to the limit. I hope that you both recover well.


Funkster’s Race Report.

So 5th time in Frankfurt for me
Why you ask?
Well I’ve been chasing that allusive KQ spot.

Frankfurt has a flat run and as it’s a regional champs, it has more slots.

In 2014 I was the best day with a sub 60, sub 5 bike but then GI issues meant by day ended in a portaloo
2015 - heatwave and puncture
2018 - windy bike and then bonk on the run
2019 - heatwave and puncture
2020 & 2021 - well you know.

Build up had been going well with lots of training hours and lots of time in the TT position on the turbo.

Having been here before there was very little faff with regards for logistics.


Despite some great pool times, my OW speed has been less than stellar.

Actually had time for a gentle warm up and then got myself in the sub 65 pen for the rolling start.

Quite a few went off before me, but got in and tried to settle into a relaxed pace.

Watch was set for 500m auto laps, and after 1500m we were out for the Aussie exit.
Stopped to check my chip and then back in.

Was super happy when I saw 59 on the watch, then up the sandy hill to T1


Plan here was to not aim for a power target, but to ride comfortably and keep an eye on the NP and average speed.

Watch had time on it and the plan was to eat/drink every 15 mins.

I had 450g of carbs in a concentrated drink in the 800ml bottle at the front and 600ml at the back.
3 Beta fuel chews in the bento box.

Then grab water etc at aid stations to to guzzle/top up.

The 12km back to the town averaged 39km/h

First lap felt good, but was getting past by a fair amount of riders with numbers close to mine, but the power was looking good, 70% FTP and averaged speed was 37.5 km/h so close to 5hrs

New bike course was a little rolling that previous years, with the new road completed meaning less time through some of the small towns. Also the last long hill was gone.

Went through 90km in 2:30, so was thinking about 5:05-5:08 for the bike.

Aid stations seemed to be working with water being drank and over the back, as well as chugging 300ml-ish of Gatorade before dumping the bottle.

From 110-120km I was all alone and then hit the cobbles for the second time.
Front BTA bottle came off, so had to get off and grab that, which then meant I had company again.

Despite getting my nutrition in, I got the 140km and it was like someone flipped a switch.

I went from feeling ok, to struggling to turn the pedals.

Don’t know what my power was as my head unit decided to change to a set up screen and the touchscreen locked.

Was very glad the final hill was gone as I don’t know how I would have coped.

Last 5km is flat and then downhill, so was very glad for that as my vision was getting a little “dodgy”

Just about got off my bike at the dismount line, but my hamstring was cramping, so was a long walk to the change tent.


Sat in T2 contemplating what to do.
Had decanted a can of Monster, which always picks me up into a bottle, so chugged that and put my shoes on.

Walked out and started to jog.

About 500m in my left Vastus Med started to cramp, so just stopped and waited for that.

Jogged on again.

About 2km and right Vastus Med did its thing, so waited for that.

Eventually my legs started to feel better and I thought I might be able to get a sub 10, but then the same as the bike, all the energy left my body.

Nothing really “ached” I just couldn’t muster a run

So then it was just a case of walk:run
Kept trying to get calories in, but nothing worked.

Did manage to run over the line.


Obviously disappointed, especially after waiting 3 years.

8 slots in my AG, so maybe 10th would be good enough. That was 9:40.


Told you he was doing a Graves :smile:

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What does that mean :man_shrugging:t4:

Phil Graves? He was a pro for a while a decade or so ago, used to monster all of the CTT events, then do a run off.

@funkster - sorry to hear your day ended like that. Great swim time though! Good to see that is relative to your pool time now :clap:t3:

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