Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

I’m not sure if they are good but I can tell you that because of the ease of using them compared to the agony of getting my hips on the roller, I’m much more likely to use gun regularly.

Mine has a variety of attachments, one looks like a microphone, I use that the most. I have the Sportneer branded gun.

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Thanks. Might get one and see.

This is mine. I got on offer from Amazon for £72 I think. The battery life is amazing, one charge last a few weeks using twice a day for 5 mins or so.

Depends which hip flexors, rec. fem. you might get to that but look at the attachments of illiacus and psoas. You’re not getting anywhere near them.

think if muscles feel persistently tight and it’s not related to inury, then it maybe strengthening they need and not stretching. I mean stretching won’t stop it recurring.


Not sure of the names but the strips down the front of the pelvis into the upper thighs.

The ones on the top of my arse are the same but i cant hit those with a foam roller and stretching quite easily. The fronts are buggers though.

Sorry @GRamsay, the psoas attaches to the front of the lumbar spine and illiacus attaches to inside of the back of the pelvis.


They get short & tightened from constant sitting as well, e.g. work, driving, commuting, even cycling!

Bastard muscles!


Yep, 20 years of driving a desk has done me no good.


Based on that I would guess its the Psoas muscles. I feel like those and the ones on top the glutes are pulling on the base of spine. It gives me sciatica type symptoms

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Not sure I buy that explanation, why doesn’t that happen to the biceps or hamstrings? Weak due to lack of movement and then tighten because they’re being asked to do a bit more than they can cope with seems.the more likely reason to me. That’s why I think strengthening is more important than stretching

ETA: same for glutes


Few years ago I was getting some hip pain issues after riding a bike. Never really got to the bottom of it but my hunch is that prolonged sitting with hips flexed was part of the problem. At that stage on work days I could be driving to work (sitting), spending 11 hours at a desk (sitting), driving home (sitting) and then sitting around in the evening too.

Part of what I think helped was getting a physio ball at work. I now do much of admin, phone calls and non-public facing work on this instead of a chair. Sometimes sitting but often kneeling. Even when sitting, it’s a different type of balancey, dynamic sitting which I think is constantly recruiting the muscles @pacha mentions and others

At first colleagues thought it was weird and they probably still do but :man_shrugging:


I’ve got a standing desk which helps a bit and sometimes encourages me do a bit of stretching at it.

I keep thinking about the Swiss ball, I should have a go instead of when I get tired and sit down.


That’s a bit of a worry if your medical colleagues couldn’t see the advantage of a swiss ball? :smile:

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One of the other disadvantages is that kids try to play with it.

On one memorable occasion a cheeky brat gave it a Johnny Wilkinson kick straight into the face of his younger brother, who also happened to be the patient. He went flying and left with a sore head, in a considerably worse state than when he arrived :roll_eyes:


The one time I tired, slipped with the gun and managed to hit myself directly in the testicles.

Never again.


Ah the old ‘slipped with the massage gun’, did you have clothes on? :smile:


I was naked, as it happens. And I also had some Barry White on and some scented candles lit.

Pure coincidence.


Seen the physio. I am cleared to swim and lift weights again. :slightly_smiling_face:

Got to start low with the weights for a few weeks, but no limits on swimming.


Good news :+1:

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Not really an injury but one of my toenails went a bit black, dont worry you know my policy on photos. The nail started to peel off, but not all the way. Caught it on something yesterday and it ripped more of it off. But not all.

Fuck me that hurt like hell. I have a pretty high pain threshold but this brought a tear to my eye.

Can see why the tourturous go for the fingernails when they want information. Id give up anything not to feel that again.

Not stopping me training or anything so all good.