Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

No corporate gym membership? :face_with_monocle:

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Hope you are better soon. You didnā€™t test positive did you like the others? Anna said sheā€™s still nauseous when having a milky coffee type drink.

Something has battered you!

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I donā€™t think this really counts as an injury, but interested if thereā€™s any TT wisdom to help me out hereā€¦

I seem to have permenantly tight quads, and canā€™t seem to do anything about it. Itā€™s like a constant dull ache.

Roller doesnā€™t seem to do anything, normal quad streches seem to help for a bit but it doesnā€™t lastā€¦ any thoughts on what Iā€™m missing? Do I just keep stretching? Do I go and see a physio?

I have had the same. Sometimes kneeling on the floor hurts the are so tight.

Couple of things I have found that work. Sports or deep tissue massage, be warned though it fucking hurts.

The other thing is rather than static stretching look for some mobility routines. Ive been doing some for my hip flexors and they work well. Plenty on the internet.

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As iwaters says massage helps me and then I can get on top of it more with rolling and less frequent massages.standing desk possibly helps me as well, when I use it :roll_eyes:


Do some yoga regularly - often the cause of tightness will be elsewhere and general stretching will help

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I think that yoga and pilates help with this sort of thing as theyā€™re effectively a dynamic stretch, which I think is generally more effective than a static stretch. IMO muscles are usually tight as theyā€™re struggling with the current load and strengthening them is the answer.



DAMMIT PEOPLE! All of these are very much valid suggestions, but I was really hoping for a magic pill here. Maybe Iā€™ll start taking some cod liver oilā€¦ I assume that makes things more slidy and Iā€™m guessing my muscles need to be more slidy.

I do wonder if Iā€™ve got an issue that starts at my feet or something like that; not very much walking around in pretty minimalist shoes the last couple of days and my calfs are in bits.

Getting old and being fat sucks.


My calfā€™s always get crucified by minimal drop footwear

Tried some vibrams once - could barely walk for a week

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I used to wear them all the time, but then stopped after an unrelated injury and never got back to it, and now Iā€™m struggling.

1 hr after the above postā€¦ā€¦

Ffs :roll_eyes:


Why would this make your quads tight though?

I meanā€¦ thatā€™s a really good question! I think my logic was that if thereā€™s an issue at the bottom of the structure, can I blame everything thatā€™s an issue above it on that issue?

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That seems like a bit of a jump though, if you pardon the expression. Change in footwear affecting teh calfs, of course but less likely to be affecting the quads so dramatically.

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Dont know what the hell ive done to my back. Woke up this morning in agony. Had to go find Nurofen.

I can feel my hip flexors as usual are in on it and have been doing more mobility routines on them to try and fix it.

Its odd because its so painful, pop some pills and its gone completely, they wear off and it hurts again. Pills dont usually have such a dramatic impact for me.


Why is this so true and why do I feel personally attacked


Nothing personal, I suspect youā€™re not the only over 40 here :grin:.


Is that what I have to look forward to? :rofl:

Seriously though, itā€™s funny as we moan a bit about this stuff but when speaking with mich less active friends they think the stuff we do is crazy. Now I am middle aged I am grateful I can still do what I do.

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Iā€™m like almost 49 or whatever, and I almost never take any pain killers, certainly took a lot more 20 years ago, and the only ones I ever take would be paracetemol for headaches.