Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

Visited the physio myself this morning, a week after my calf strain.

Seems like I’ve got a bad Grade 1 / low Grade 2 injury. After 45 minutes of horrific massage, it genuinely feels as bad as when I pulled it!

No running for at least another week.


Went to the physio today. We did a lot of elimination tests and he reckons it’s a vague hamstring issue but overall strength is good. He said ‘you’ve got real cyclists legs’. (maybe D grade :rofl:).

I do have a strength imbalance though, so it’s 6-8km run 3 x per week plus lots one right leg bias strength work. I can ride as long as it isn’t being aggravated. Check back with him next week.


Hopefully not too bad then.

Hope so. :crossed_fingers:

Not done any training this week after tweaking calf last Saturday. It wasn’t that bad and I could cycle no problem at all, but just didn’t feel like it.
Just seen this on FB, titled “The tree that just wouldn’t give up” and might be just what I needed to give my head a wobble!


I haven’t had an injury for years from running or cycling, but as soon as you add DIY into the mix I start to break.

Cleaned a bunch of moss off a gently pitched tiled roof of Wednesday, kneeling, should have worn knee protectors but didn’t. Then painted part of my kitchen yesterday, lots of kneeling under shelves etc, again no knee pads.

Then 16km into a run with a friend this morning, right knee starts to hurt. Not much, but enough to make me glad to be just 4km from home. Think it’s in the region of ITB where it hooks round the lateral femoral condyle. Not sure how DIY caused that though.

So I guess the lesson here is don’t do DIY


or wear knee pads if kneeling to do any. I was glad of a pair last year when I refelted my workshop roof

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Is this like a Dr’s letter to get out of it :rofl: (it will do for me, but you might have some irate partners on your case!)

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I was seriously in a bad way for weeks and weeks after the extended DIY of last year. It’s all the awkward shapes you have to contort into!

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Sad thing is I have the knee pads like FB says, just couldn’t be bothered to walk to the shed to get them

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After my right calf tightened up halfway into a 10 mile run last Saturday, I’ve rested it all week before trying a gentle run today.
2km in and left calf starts to feel tight. Walked and stretched it a few times and got to 7km in the end but was hobbling the last few hundred metres back to the car.
On the bright side, right calf felt fine :thinking:


Well I did a 6km easy just now. Hard to say how the leg feels. i could feel it but I did two reps of the strength straining this morning (have to do 4x15 reps a day). So not sure if it’s a hangover from that.

Reckon it’s 12 or 13wks until SDW100 and not sure at which point it’s not salvagable?

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Back to the physio again this morning, he thinks the hip tear feels really good and shouldn’t be a problem, there’s still some pain and tenderness around the area particularly after either sitting down or a hard effort but he said it will be inflammed a bit longer yet but should settle.

Also thinks the pelvis and SI joint are in a good position as well. I’m still get a bit of aching and some pain but I’m probably overthinking it.

But, he said to give it another week or so yet before running and then build up really slowly. So, after about 4 months I don’t think another week or so is going to hurt. I’ll then try a couple of really short runs and see how it reacts. Hopefully can start moving forward, particularly if I can get some regular massages soon as well.


Woohoo! Great news Jeff. Well done on being so patient.

Continue. That. Patience.

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I tried a short run tonight, only 3K at a very easy pace, was actually a bit nervous. The hip felt alright throughout and has been alright since, the groin\stomach was moaning a bit, but it could have been a bit of tightness or stiffness from not running for so long and I’m probably concentrating on it.

It was alright afterwards and hasn’t been a problem so far. I’ll have to see how it all feels tomorrow.

Then I’ll probably try again either on Thursday or Friday, maybe 4K this time.

Need to find out fairly quickly whether it’s back to the physio or keep going, if I’m forced back into no running I’m probably going to have to write off most of any season that might happen. But I’m trying to be positive.


Fingers crossed you’re over it Jeff :crossed_fingers:t2:


My clavicle trying to escape after grade 5 AC dislocation.

It was like that for a year before I had an op. My RTA was 4 days after an Ironman. It’s impacted my swimming and some upper body strength. But overall the op was a success :muscle:



Wtf! :grimacing:

As I haven’t had an injury whinge… sorrry, made an injury observation, for a while, here’s my most recent punt.

Left knee swollen post fast (well for me) hilly 1h10 run Thu. I don’t mind running with pain associated with a 57 year old knackered knee, it’s when I forget to ice and then moan about the consequencies.

Hmmmmm, is the 50 miler now a no no in May, hmmmmmmm