Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

Annoyingly my groin has been pretty sore today after yesterday’s run, I suspect it was the (fairly quick for me) last 1K rather than the total distance as 6K was fine last weekend. Sort of useful to know and hopefully I can run on the dreadmill soon which will be a bit easier.

But might have to see how tomorrow goes and see about going back to the physio. Although I think once I can get a massage in 10 days that might help matters.

It’s not going to be a great season at this rate, assuming races go ahead.

At least the hip feels alright.


I’ve got a mystery sore right knee this morning. Went for my first run last night following the silliness of 4x4x48 on Thurs-Sat last week, and had intended to turn back at the first sign of trouble… at about 3 miles from home it felt like something was going on with my ITB on the right hand side, uncomfortable but not problematic.

But this morning, right knee is just… off. Feels stiff, and won’t really take my weight going down stairs.

No running planned for the next two days, so will see how it feels on the turbo this evening. But any thoughts/recommendations?

I slipped and fell on the ice while walking my dogs and sprained my wrist 8 weeks ago today and it’s still not quite right.

At the time, my hand and forearm swelled up to twice their normal size and turned an interesting shade of purple. The swelling went down after a few days, but the range of motion is still not quite there and it feels weak/painful if I try to grip in certain planes. I was restricted to the turbo for the first 4 or 5 weeks because I couldn’t put weight through the wrist or comfortably brake or shift gears and the shock from any road surface imperfections was just too much.

I was working on the basis that I should avoid anything that made my wrist hurt, but having spoken to an on-line physio through my private medical, it seems that I need to suck it up and put some pressure on it :roll_eyes:

Complicated things, these wrists


I got an appointment at a physio\assessment place in Leeds today, I went about 3.5 years ago when I had a similar problem but worse than it is now. As much to see if anything had been missed. I’d actually ran 3 days on the trot and wasn’t crippled but could still feel it.

Anyway, still down the same lines that my left leg is somewhat imbalanced but a lot of the tightness is from my back and glutes not firing properly. As a result my left leg is still running awkwardly and the weaker muscles like the adductors are having to correct\balance that leg. But nowhere near as bad as last time, probably because of the recent work.

Got some exercises to work on a couple of my glute muscles etc. and now I can get a regular massage I’ll get her to focus on the TFL and back\left side for now.

Hopefully I’m progressing.



(Good to hear things are still going in the right direction)

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Haha, assuming it does get better I’ll have to think of something else to justify my crapness :joy:


:astonished: wtf?! I can’t look at that - nein nein nein

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How’s the calf today @Mungo2 ?

@tunster, how’s your back?

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Physio at 4

First days sick for 6? Years.

Hobbling is less painful, but hobbling it is.

Ironically we held 5 min kms for 6 kms with a small time out and a slight downhill with av hr of 140…

So catching you… ish.

Every cloud and all that…

Don’t think I’ll be seeing Oulton park on Sunday … lol.


Sorry to hear it’s that bad. I’m sure you’ve got the right mindset to get through this.

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No choice.

One day at a time, going to try and swim Monday.

Hopefully no accidents in the pool!


Better than it was thanks but still not 100%

Had second COVID jab earlier so just waiting for that to kick in :roll_eyes:

Hopefully will be running again by Saturday


Fairly pleased after yesterday’s race that I’m only a bit sore today in the stomach\groin area. General soreness and aches from doing such a long run after so long but that will ease in a day or so.

Shoulders are aching though from the backpack after not using it for so long :roll_eyes:

Not going to push my luck for the next few days and will avoid running for a day or two but hopefully some slow progress.

I think the various exercises are probably helping, even though they’re a bit boring.


When will I ever learn?

Marathon Sunday… all good, but slightly sore metatarsal in my right foot

Monday 10km gentle run
Thursday 11km running race, felt strong so I pushed Metatarsal bit painful on Friday morning
Friday, WTRL running league team race… we really struggled to put a team together this week, so didn’t feel I could drop out. Mild Foot discomfort but no problem running. Once racing saw old red mist, pushed absolutely max pace… 1km to go foot very painful… push on ignore pain. Great result. New 5km PB

Saturday morning, can hardly walk

Pretty sure its metatarsalgia again, praying not a stress fracture

At least pools are open.


I’m trying to be smart this time with my knee injury. It’s so hard not to feel like you should be out there, especially with a deadline looming!

We are all our own worst enemies.


The sad thing is we all know this…!



Having gradually, carefully and successfully rehabilitated my left Achilles most of the way through since last summer, I tore something in my left calf yesterday. Just gently running along on a steady 10-15 km loop, gravel track, flatish, not pushing it. Was pretty much at the furthest point as well, so had to run a long way on it afterwards. I am bloody sick of injuries from running.



Here ere.

Recover well.