Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

Thanks for the advice.
I’ll stay here instead of going up the dune


That pool must have some kind of forcefield to keep the sand out!


It was completely clean! We wondered the same on how they managed it. Surreal place with an oasis town surrounded by desert, just the one night. Could spend a week in most these places


Well that was absolute crap. The skin on my damaged knee has been getting more painful, especially vibrations through running. So I decided to jump on the turbo and lasted 10 mins before the pain of the wound being stretched was just too much. :cry:


did you say somewhere else you were planning to run 55km next week ??

50km on Monday, in theory. More worried about SDW100 in 5wks, it just seem viable :cry:


First run in 6/7 weeks this morning.

Only 2 miles, and thankfully didn’t feel my calf on the way round.

Sore afterwards, but feels a lot better post foam roller.



Not feeling 100% and, mid putting my boxers on, I had to readjust my balance which prompted a sharp shooting pain at the bottom of my back/in my spine. I think at this point I’ve finally crossed the rubicon and become old.


There’ll be limited sympathy for you here, you’re something like the second youngest.



never heard it called that before


Sir dresses to the left :smile:


I’m 99% sure I’ve torn my meniscus, so I think that means 100% of TT are now ‘old’.


Ouch, how have you done that?

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Fell and twisted hiking. After descending 1200m through 5km I fell right at the end. So the clickbait headline would be I slid down to the bottom of the second deepest canyon in the world, but the reality is I fell down about 5m elevation.

That was about 3 weeks ago. Wasn’t too bad, hiked for a few more days and able to ignore it for a while. No locking or giving way, but its still catching and aches if I do anything decent, and now it’s in my head and nocebo has kicked in I have no confidence in the stability the past few days.

Thankfully I’m at full range of motion, and happily doing seated/lying quad extensions, so will start with some shallow squats etc and hope for the best.


Sounds exotic and unfortunate, hope things settle quickly for you

May I recommend desk job therapy :roll_eyes:


Hope it gets better soon Chris.
Also nocebo, never heard of this before. Experienced it, but now I have a word for it. Hopefully will never need it again though.
Heal up and hope you’re re-telling the dramatic version to all who want to hear :blush:


In for a biomechanical assessment tomorrow to try and sort some long lingering issues. Hoping it might lead to something, most likely insoles I guess, that will help ease this plantar fasciitis too which isn’t really clearing up despite not running since January. The discomfort is in the arch rather than the heel. I’ve got wonky duck feet and reckon they are the source of things.

I can get through the Lakesman run next month on paracetamol, shuffling and swearing at myself right?


Doesn’t sound like plantar fasciitis TBH. The.pain from that is the front of heel bone.

Hope you get something from the assessment.

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That’s what I had always thought too. This is basically soreness on the inside underside of the foot where there’s a boney bit in the arch. It’s a bit weird and hard to explain but hopefully they can get to the bottom of it a bit more tomorrow. Part of me had wondered if it was a nerve thing actually.

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Good progress this week with my hip injury. It’s now been exactly 4 weeks since it happened.

Today I managed to cycle to work and back 42km, admittedly super slow - Strava estimates 65W - taking it very steady and carefully

not ready to run on yet but it’s coming :+1:

Always amazed by the body’s capacity to mend when it needs to