Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

Erm :neutral_face: :joy:


I havenā€™t run since Saturday. Did a shortened turbo on Monday night. I havenā€™t been feeling it at all, mainly because of work and some recent DNFs.
Went to bed last night thinking I absolutely must get out today, then in the early hours of the morning, I turned over in bed and felt an excruciating pain in my left calf. Really bad cramp, I howled in protest :sob:
It wasnā€™t the worst Iā€™ve had for duration, in fact it went away quickly in terms of being able to move again.
This morning though, itā€™s as tight as a drum and pretty painful to walk around. Good grief :roll_eyes:


Been over 3 months now since my hip injury. Donā€™t want to keep harping on, and itā€™s mainly positive.

We have been camping this week and have averaged over 30,000 steps each day for the last 3 days, walking is not a problem.

Riding seems OK too, although it was a bit sore after 50km with my brother (in trainers on a borrowed bike)

Running is still not OK though, I ran with my son on Monday night, just a few km and pretty slow, but then it was uncomfortable all night and into the next morning. The weird thing is it was mainly uncomfortable when I activate the muscles that stabilise the hip, so during the most trivial movements: turning over in bed, sneezing and stuff.

Also ran twice last week- 7km and 6km at a very slow pace - it was sore for a day after each of those too.

So itā€™s mending I think, but the rate seems to have slowed. This feels like a patience phase where I need to not push too hard. Also should probably carry on doing the strength stuff which I must admit I have pretty much given up since being able to walk and ride reasonably normally.

Tri season in the sandpit starts in October, so running 5km by then at some sort of pace is the new target.


If this was 99% of the forum a visit to a physio would have been suggested 3 months ago. Given your trade would this be like an F1 mechanic going to Kwik Fit for advice on tyre replacement.


I canā€™t speak for Fruity, who I trust completely to keep his CPD up to date and know everything about everything. But generally Iā€™d trust a good* physio/MSK practitioner to know a lot more than a typical doctor, and even most orthopaedic surgeons when it comes to non-operative stuff.

*There are a lot more charlatans in the non-doctor world though. At least most doctors will just tell you to rest it Ā± go see a physio, rather than charge you for nonsense


All good points, thanks. I have been pretty lucky to work a couple of doors up from a hip surgeon & have had a bit of after-hours advice from him. Dutch guy, his grandfather was a professional cyclist and rode in the Tour de France back in the day- he has some cool photos. He advised me to take it slowly and that things were likely to take months not weeks (didnā€™t quite say ā€œyou old crockā€ but I suspect that was what he meant).

But yes, unless it improves over the next couple of weeks I may well see a physio when I get back to work, hope they could help guide next stage of recovery :+1:.


Turned my ankle in the garden yesterday. Need to not rush back to running, but the weather is good and Iā€™m itching to run. Maybe a short, slow oneā€¦


Iā€™ve been hammered by some bug. Wasnā€™t feeling great yesterday with a headache and low energy - thought it was dehydration.

Woke up fine. But youngest was complaining of a bad tummy. Sent her to school anyway. Then quickly got the parent guilt as sheā€™s sent home spewing. Apparently norovirus ripping through 50% of her class. :pensive:

I get to work and quickly go downhill. Absolute waste of space in my team meeting. Can barely construct a coherent sentence and just spend the time cwtched up, silent on a chair. Had a lunch and meeting with a supplier I was really looking fwd to in the arvo but got convinced to head home as I wasnā€™t fit for it.

Took over 2hrs to drive the 90 kin journey home as my brain was in a fuzz, so pootled carefully down the motorway. Barely ate all day.

Havenā€™t been sick but have absolutely zero energy and a total brain haze. Walking up the stairs just now left me feeling exhausted. Iā€™m such a bad ill person - I hate it!


Take a few days easy. Keep the hydration and energy levels up. Iā€™d recommend a bowl of Frosties!!!


Yeah cheers Andy :+1:

I had a craving for crisps. My lovely wife went to the shop and I ate a big bowl of them followed by 2 x muffins. Just had this dirty, white carb craving.


Take care of yourself mate, none of us are invincible.


That would be weird if people couldnā€™t see us :see_no_evil:

get well soon GB & at least you donā€™t have an IM this weekend (hopefully)

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hope itā€™s ā€œjustā€ norovirus! The E.Coli gut problem I picked up a few weeks back (one of the dodgy sandwiches that was part of a major recall) was horrid - couldnā€™t go far from a bog for a week, no food for 3 days, and just generally rough. As it knocked my gut flora for 6 it took about a month for that to re-establish itself before I could have a normal dump!

Hope you feel better soon


Physio has said he thinks my back/hip etc is moving a lot easier now and to see how it goes but keep doing the exercises/stretches, basically the cobra pose?

It has been a lot better with no obvious pain unless I really arch back and left with no discomfort running, although I havenā€™t tried running flat out.

Fingers crossed I can move on a bit and get some nice runs in :crossed_fingers:


Iā€™ve just more than doubled my steps for the day. Up to 2,100 now with a walk to the school to collect daughter 1.

Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever walked down and up the hill so slow before! :joy:


Hmm. Left knee not happy on my little run yesterday. Finding it especially odd as I didnā€™t run for 4 x days due to the illness.

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s probably linked to my increased volume or the hill session I did on Tues. That one included 15 x short, steep tarmac reps of about 250m at 20% or so. Iā€™m guessing I probably put a fair bit of pressure on it on the downs particularly when I was fatiguing.

Only thing I did yesterday was a 5/6km walk with the fam in very unsupported flip-flops. Canā€™t imagine it was that.

Just find it odd that it didnā€™t present until Sunday. Was uncomfortable enough to keep me tossing and turning last night.

Seems to be in the lateral collateral ligament. At itā€™s worst of I squat down to the floor with the leg fully bent. When Iā€™m in that position the pain also runs around to the medial side a bit too.

Not sure what to do. Rest has clearly done nothing. Had planned on dialling mileage up again this week with a big run planned for Sunday. :thinking:


I noticed a strange pain on the same knee on Saturday but when cycling, this is more like something pulling and as I havenā€™t increased anything recently but Iā€™ve had it in the past.

Anyway had a go with my massage stick this morning which Iā€™ve been avoiding and there is definitely some tightness in the quad so Iā€™ll see how it goes.

Can you get a massage or get friendly with your foam roller?

Yeah thatā€™s a good shout. Iā€™ll get the gun out and hammer the quad a bit. Would make sense as the quads will have been doing overtime with all that braking force downhill on the hard surface. Off road hill reps only from now in I reckon.

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Yoga for ageing affletes


Just coming up to a year now with no running as it has been too painful with an issue on my left heel.

Cut a long story short was told to rest up and then do some exercises and see if it goes away as surgery would be a last resort.

Didnā€™t go away and surgery now booked in September and been told could take up to 5 months for recovery. Which isnā€™t too bad as it is mainly over the winter months.

Diagnosis after MRI and X-rays is clear evidence of calcification within the tendon insertion and a fractured enthesophyte. There is also a moderate Haglund.

So, surgeon is taking out the calcification and then shaving some bone off my heel.

Been a real struggle not running and I got into a bit of a sulk about it but have started to get out on my bike for the first time in years as cycling isnā€™t too painful on my heel.

Hopefully back to the running next spring with a slow build up.