Injury List- do any parts of you still work?

Good call there Jeff. I’d forgotten about the humble massage gun/roller.

Inner quads were super tight and painful on the left leg, which would make sense if they’re pulling the knee inwards and causing the lateral ligaments to be under stress. Seems to have loosened off a bit after 15 mins of gun work.

Interestingly it was the opposite on my right leg, where the quads weren’t so bad, but ITB was more sensitive. Both calves needed a good seeing to though,

I’m going to keep my massage gun in the office from now on and try to get into a habit of using it once a week or so when i’m just sat at the desk.

Fingers crossed a bit more massage and some stretching will keep this at bay this week and i can build from here. It’s a VERY strange coincidence that i’m getting niggly after increasing running volume and severely decreasing any S&C work! :roll_eyes: :laughing:


Who’d have thought that :man_shrugging:t2::joy:


I think I will face this reality in about 5-10 years time. Peroneal tendon will be a constant issue I’ll have to manage and the haglund deformity on my left foot is forcing me to size up in shoes already. Exercises help but they don’t help forever. Another month of no running this year. At least it’s only a month at a time for me. But both times has made me realise how much I do actually love swimming and cycling even though I’ve let that wane over the last few years.


Do you know Pippa Broomfield? I met her yesterday, she has some good results against her name. She said she swears by hot yoga for all round mobility and strength.

Big fan of Goran :wink:

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I don’t know her

I have fancied trying hot yoga - there is a place in central Manchester that Jack used pre-Namibia, but it’s a bit of a faff getting in and out when I can just fit it in at home (minus the heat)

One of Mrs T’s friends mentioned that a local place had started doing it. Might give it a whirl when Mrs T’s wrist is on the mend


Was walking around this morning and realised that left hip was pain free for the first time since I whacked it on 11th April.

It felt normal, like I could hop or squat without worry.

Went for a short run with Mrs, it might have started to register a 1 out of 10 niggle towards the end, but nothing more than that.

Then Zwift later, a 28km hilly race, completely pain free except when out of the saddle trying (futilely) to keep up on short climbs. And then no more than 2 out of 10.

Feels like real progress & I’m confident about being able to start some sort of run training again when back in normal routine next week. Think not sitting at a desk all day has probably really helped. Lost a ton of fitness and gained at least 2 kg in the last 3 months mind. Will be very careful and steady at first.


I think i have always had it, but added to the calcification isn’t a good combo.

The surgeon said the calcification was like me having stones in my shoes and made worse with the haglund.

Hopefully get it all sorted and i can stop sulking about it :roll_eyes:


Went for a run, got back and started passing blood. Felt like a severe UTI.

Went to UTC to get checked for an infection and a prescription but they’re indicating it’s more serious than that. Moved me to A&E and now waiting for an MRI. I’m guessing they’re checking for kidney stones but don’t really know.

Moral of the story, don’t exercise. It’s bad for you.


Oh shit dude. Fingers crossed it’s nothing too serious. Rest up and recover strong!

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Crap, hope it isn’t serious and you’re back soon.

Crikey mate, I hope it’s not too serious :crossed_fingers:t2:

Shit man, doesnt sound good. Hope its nothing serious.

Hope all is well, and nowt over-serious

Home. Inconclusive so will need more tests in the next 2 weeks.


Faark me, same again, although much less serious this time. I’m starting to warm to the idea of using the tumble drier year round (or trying to level the garden between the door and the clothes line!)


Feeling any better?

Anyone else had a hideously painful lower back after an OWS? Did a mile today and my lower back is absolutely killing me. Heat seems to be easing it but walking isn’t too comfortable, no idea what’s brought it on.

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Were you in a wetsuit? I get it all the time of I’ve not swam in a while. Always attributed it to the suit holding my hips up high and my back not being used to the position.

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Only after really long swims and more aching than pain.

Usually because of the twisting for me and maybe compressing the nerves.

The back arch things I’ve been doing might be helping.