Iron Cowboy 100 IM 100 Days

Oh right, I thought it was going to be a solo ‘unassisted’ effort.

Drafting is permitted and he’ll be riding behind his wingman at all times.
They seem to be actively encouraging as many people as possible to come and join the attempt, I guess it breaks the monotony for him and the speeds he’s doing are pretty inclusive.

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He needs a faster bunch of wingmen then :rofl:


I’m not seeing the need to do this any faster, provided his support is all squared away when he finishes each day. He needs to be storing energy not banking time. I don’t think he needs to let it go much longer but there is little to be gained in going faster now if can’t make past day 60.

Those transition times are hurting though.


I wonder if the transition times are due to the length of the challenge.
In a single race a few blisters or a bit of chafing are no big deal but the accumulation day after day could become debilitating, so I’m guessing he’ll be completely drying off and changing after the swim & bike and wearing the most comfortable gear for that leg.
Is it also an opportunity to get some additional nutrition in as can’t afford to be running in deficit and try to make up for that every evening?



until one of them takes him out…

The “Rules” I linked to make a point of keeping out of his way and giving him space but I can see it happening, especially as he tires and concentration levels drop.

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This doesn’t allow for much recovery time…

I agree that 9 hours per day, including sleep isn’t much. I’d have thought that 10 hours would have been better.

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Maybe he’s going to use some ‘IVs’ to get through it.

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a scandalous suggestion… :slight_smile:

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by the time he has eaten, hydrated, unwound, showered down, he’s not getting much kip…

he’ll get by on the resounding love emanating from ST… it’s like triathlon’s natural EPO…


He’s screwed. Day 4 injured, massively behind schedule. I think he will abandon before Sunday.


Wow, that’s a bit of a downer. Given his history I think most expected him to get well into it, even if they thought he’d ultimately fail, but less than a week isn’t going to cut it with his legion of fanboys/girls.
Ps. is this when the elliptical comes out again or a change in the rules to 100 IMs in 100 days (but not necessarily consecutive days)

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Day 4

S 1:25
T1 19
B 7:13
T2 29
R 6:49
Total 16:15 ish

He’s got to be done now - hard to come back from that.

It’s all a ruse, he’ll. make a miraculous recovery! :sweat_smile:


He’s basically placed himself on a silver platter for the ST Wolves; who will tear him to shreds before anyone has the chance to ask if they’d like schadenfreude sauce with that.

I might pop over there now, to listen to the blade honing.


Like an all american hero, he will rise from the ashes and beat Pantani on the climb…oh, sorry, wrong fable…