Ironman Nutrition Plan

if you have just eaten breccy, how much of that has been digested?

You are topping up glycogen levels since the night/days before, then again in the morning and now you are adding sugar…

eat well Fri eve…eat moderately Sat breccy and lunch (reduce fibre and veg)…eat lean Sat eve…breccy sun morn, water and eleccy drink…you could swill carbs or sip carbs pre race (possibly caffeine shot if you are used to it)…

thereafter it depends on race distance…gels early ish on bike + eleccy and/or carb/protein drink and gel late pre run for short distance… solid food + drinks on bike early with gels late on bike on long distance…


It’s rational to me. More sugars in the blood stream as you go in the water.

more sugars in the stomach

I don’t think it takes that long to absorb the gel into the blood, but having some in the stomach won’t be a problem either

There we go :clap:t3:

I don’t get on with protein drinks - seem to cause massive bloating!

Rest of it, I can get with.

Caffeine shot over Red Bull is a good call for pre-swim.

I think taking the gel pre-swim is now kinda placebo and a pre-race ritual.
I know I don’t need one for an evening 10TT, but I still take one :man_shrugging:t4:

ETA: this should do it, yeah?

Park Run?



One lap, though yeah.

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what is your breakfast doing?

I use Beta Fuel. Night before…put 3-4x sachets in a 750ml bottle and mix with boiling/v hot water and mix, mix, mix. I then decant 1/3 of that in to BTA bottle and top up with water from aid stations. The rest is mix of gels, mini mars bars and milky ways


Nice one thanks. Whats the consistency of it like with that much in one bottle?
Thats exactly what I was looking for, I have my speedfil on the frame which I was hoping to top up - but couldnt see how you could mix much in with how hard 1 sachet seems to be (and for the price, wasnt too keen to experiment!!).

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Slower digestion in the intestines at that time.

Ha. I remember telling someone on IMJ that Tailwind was basically table sugar (sucrose) & sea salt with flavouring (as per the ingredients label)….yeah but… no but came the reply :rofl: fools.

I used to make my own energy drinks with MP dextrose & flavoured electrolyte tabs; or dextrose powder w/sea salt and a dash of squash.


No worries. It’s quite gloopy, but comes out of the bottle fine. I mark out thirds with electrical tape or marker on the bottle. I also use the BetaFuel(normal mix) in a Nathan Handheld bottle on the run

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Whilst I kind of get your general point, I’ve tried lots of different nutrition products over the years, and whatever it is that causes it, Maurten was as game changing for me in long running (20 miles plus) as the Nike super shoes were. It was night and day.

I took it the first time, and suddenly ran 20+ miles without the usual wearing down of glycogen stores that I had always experienced. I did it for a few consecutive weeks on long runs, then thought “maybe I’m just fitter?” and did another long run (not even 20+ miles as I was beginning to wind down) without it, and I felt flat and fatigued again from 10 miles or so.

It’s N=1, and I cannot tell you what it is that’s in it that causes it, but for me it is without question of significant benefit. The consistency of the product is noticeably different to everything else I’ve tried, so I have some assumption that that benefits absorption somehow, but that’s just me guessing

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@stenard - You entered for an IM or 70.3 this year?
Discounted gels with free shipping if you are;


Hmm, put in my email and looked at the offer.

£27.50 for 12 gels, each have 25g carb, 50mg sodium.

Booo IM ™ only

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I’ll see what they’re like on race day. If race happens. High5 for me.

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I’ll be going for Maurten again. They served me well for 13 hours on a 110km race and for about 16 hours of a 100+ mile race before the wheels fell off! :joy:

Haven’t tried the gels, but the drink mix worked perfectly. Will probably try to balance that with high 5 ZERO somehow, and go for gels over drink (too tight to buy both).


You can get them cheaper from KOMFUEL with Helen Murray’s discount code.

ETA - the “three pack” offer from Maurten works out a bit cheaper, but single and double boxes are cheaper from KOMFUEL