Nutrition for Tinpot Poets

Multivitamins & Omega 3
Think it might be a good idea to start supplementing with the above; over 50 and diet hasn’t been great last couple of years since Mrs J’s health hasn’t been so good (eating more prepared/convenience type stuff)

Any recommendations on which ones, where to buy, whether the all in one capsules are any good or just buy separately? Thanks

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Daily multivitamin multimineral here. Plus office lunches usually include a small can of oily fish.

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I usually have a Berroca & iron.

And definitely Vit D at this time of year, one of the few the government actually advises.

Fairly sure most of it comes back out, but placebo effect and all that.


Yeah Vit D is good as most people are deficient. Omega 3 as well if you dont eat a lot oily fish.

Not sure on the benefits of the rest


I was also reading today that whey protein is good health supplement beyond muscle building. Apparently there is some evidence that it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol


I take Collagen, which is meant to be good for long distance athletes…

… and a daily multi-vitamin.


Me too. I have a collagen + protein powder smoothie after workouts.

I’ve ordered some methylated multivitamins to try.


When are you going long?



I’m surprised you can read the label at the time you get up! :grin:

Has anyone tried AG1, it’s getting pushed hard by a lot of the channels I watch. It looks disgusting.


Never tried AG1 but looked into it as you say it is advertised on every podcast and YouTube channel. One look at the price and you’ll dismiss it regardless of how good it is :joy:


Thats because they get paid a fucking fortune for every purchase. The back hand payments I believe are huge compared to other brands.

I take Vit C, Zinc, Magnesium, Creatine and electrolytes daily. Maybe should get on the Vit D.

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Vit B and Vit D. both essential and both in short supply in the UK (more so for a veggie but even our meat doesnt have the amount of Vit B it used to before chemicals)

I also pop a few days worth of XE Immune Boost when I feel a cold coming on or one comes into the house. might be my natural immune system, but does seem to work most of the time.

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A lot of the B vitamins aren’t stored very well in the body so need to be regularly topped up?

I know B and iron are related but there’s a form of iron that only comes from meat so vegans etc need to supplement?


B vits arent absorbed well. Its why berroca has such high concentration and it turns your wee bright yellow. Thats most of the B vits being pissed out.

For some they cant absorb B12 at all and need injections


Because of the GF’s meds for RA she needs a folic acid tablet once a week.

I compared the dose to a health shop equivalent and I vaguely recall it was at least in the 100’s times more

If you have a varied diet you really do not need a multiVit supplement as most of it will be pissed out as the body will only use what it needs and most of this comes from a good diet so you’re basically pissing £ away.

There are some supplements that can be useful if you have deficiencies - B12 and folic acid are good for some people, as can Vit D (especially for females). Vit D is a funny one - most people really do not need it even in winter as even a small exposure to the sun can generate sufficient Vit D that you need but it won’t hurt to take it if you feel you need to. Vit D deficiency is often seen in female populations of Muslim faiths as they are covered even in high summer so they cannot generate enough Vit D from sun exposure.

Omega 3 - the jury is still out on whether it’s worth it or not but it doesn’t hurt to take it and is relatively cheap. I’ve been taking a cod liver oil capsule daily for donkeys years but is it doing me any good? No idea. But at the same time it’s not causing issues so I guess I’ll carry on - probably based on the fear that if I stop now I mght keel over and die!!


I’d add iron to the important one for women too. Due to how much can be lost during periods.

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What a load of jumbo jumbo mumbo.

Eat food. The end.

Vitamins = peddled by BigPharma to get you hooked on the teat :white_check_mark::+1:t3:

It’s all a conspiracy


The amount it costs for what I take is literally pennies. Lidl and can continue taking my coppers :joy:

but not ultra processed