Burnham for us 23.51 for me, 23.41 for LO and Mrs FP came in with a 27.30
93rd for LO, getting there
Burnham for us 23.51 for me, 23.41 for LO and Mrs FP came in with a 27.30
93rd for LO, getting there
FP send my congratulations to LO, smashing time that. I bet a lot of adults are just looking on in awe as she sprints past them. You must be bursting with pride
Thanks Anna. Bursting a bloody lung trying to keep up
100 % yes
But if you do you ll get 30 hearts on tri talk
Back on the tourist trail today just outside York. Got a 25 this afternoon so plan was to go steady, you can guess how that ended didn’t completely batter myself though.
Just about 3 laps on grass around sports pitches, ground was firm but still slow going.
21:20 which was alright considering.
Flower show in our village this afternoon and MrsF had put a few entries into the different categories. Setup is from 8am so she went down there with me on her bike and started preparing stuff - with me helping with any grunt work and tidying up. 8:35…8:40….8:50….8:55!!!
Time was getting tight. The parkrun is about half a mile away and there’s always a good few announcements. We managed to get on our way at 8:59 according to Strava (me on foot, her on bike) and raced to the start.
Got into the park to see a crowd in the distance by the start…. And they bloody started so there was no time to rest - I just had to carefully run through the field.
Managed a 21:49. Happy with that. Bloody knackered though.
Haha, welcome to Adam’s world
I gave it a go this morning too, somehow don’t think I’ve done 10 yet, always love the concept more than actually going.
Humbling to have to drive there when it’s only 3k. Managed 23:06. Next opportunity will be in October, so aim to I’ll be fit enough to run/jog/walk each way.
It’s a nice little course that one but not particularly fast, when I did it there was at least one stretch of over 100m which was ankle deep in water
I gather the town moor is quite a quick one but has a bottleneck gate quite early, but I haven’t done it.
The course was in no way responsible for my 5 min personal worst not in summer conditions anyway, although yes the first 500m were about 5:30 pace in a bottleneck. Think 3 people went under 17 at the front though, including one age 11-14.
Jesmond Dene this morning and even managed to get the GF out of bed as she’s wanted to go for a while.
Nice part of Newcastle but the first half was somewhat undulating and not helped by my legs still suffering from a massage last night.
Hard effort but not quite flat out and got round in 22:19
With that course it’s probably handy that it backs onto the freeman
Bushy celebrates event 1000 next week so will probably be rammed!
Was a biblical one for me. Thought I was having a bit of a funny turn until I realised it must have been the dyes from the colour run last week (which meant the parkrun was cancelled) I could see on the ground
Fancy this one
Great photo
Also nice looking back from there to the bridge and mill.
Are they coming back? (asking for a friend )
Haha, depends if the polar bears get them!