Pro race chat (Tri)

He’s put it as 2:44PB in the title.
It’s down as 2:40 moving time, for 41.37km at 3:53/km.

I’m guessing those other four minutes are the missing KM???


Foot issue according to his insta, so he backed off and just validates for the kq.


Wow. Pretty sure she could have a word with Him and He’d be okay with it, like :person_shrugging:t3:


Hayden Wilde wins 70.3 Melbourne gun to tape - shortened swim but 1:56 bike then 1:08:01 run.


3 friends were top 10 overall age groupers. One was already a true weapon but other two have had huge breakthrough races. Neither are particularly strong swimmers, but 41kph bikes in windy conditions and 1:18 runs is mental.

Steve McKenna ran well with a 1:10 to grasp 3rd after multiple chain slips on a brand new bike.


I know the US races all tend to be on Saturdays, but the rest of the world (except Lanza :roll_eyes:) tends to race on Sunday :man_shrugging:

I guess she doesn’t race outside the US :roll_eyes:


You would think he is busy enough causing aggro in the middle East to watch 8 hours of below average coverage on YouTube?


‘cause of Him :roll_eyes:
Morning at church; afternoon down the firing range :+1:t3::white_check_mark:


The church goers do a lot of the volunteering at aid stations and junctions etc don’t they? So I think the races are on Sat to make the most of that lovely, free labour pool that IM can tap into!


Yeah, that’s basically it - the church groups volunteer to marshal and man the aid stations and no one would accept road closures on Sunday that stopped people getting to church :roll_eyes:

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The two full distances and one half I’ve done over there were all Sunday? Only StG was a Saturday.

He would not be happy :joy::face_with_peeking_eye:


Something I did find out recently is that there’s essentially no races in August in the US (well, 1 *70.3 next year).

I’m guessing that’s their summer shutdown\holiday month?

Watched this ‘Day In The Life’ of Ruth Astle earlier as she prepares for IM Cozumel. Her training a week out sounds like mine when I was in full peak fitness (some years ago). Go for a swim, then not sure if I’ll ride or run. Then eat chocolate. She’s my kinda pro!

The link here should start about 10 minutes into the video as I was mighty impressed with the Fort Knox type secure door on the bike room at her place. Just looks like an old shed door until you see what’s behind it. There’s a good view of it in the video still image here. I guess when the pro’s are often putting rides on Strava etc. then it’s probably not difficult to track down where they live (along with their very expensive bikes) so it’s good to see what looks to be some decent security in place.


Her place = Ali Brownlee’s place


Yeah, I could have put ‘their’ or ‘his’ place instead. I also noticed that Ali’s email address was shown when she was looking at her body temperature stats on whatever app/tool she uses to track this stuff.

Ruth Astle leading Ironman Cozumel by nearly 6 mins after the bike.

In the mens race, Chevalier seems to very much have it in the bag, 5 mins ahead on the run after 14km and increasing his lead. Kienle in 3rd, in his last ever ‘triathlon’.

Race is a Duathlon due to swim cancellation.

EDIT: Wurf was 3rd at 135k on bike, but then seems to have vanished.


Saw that and thought it’s odd Cam Wurf isn’t leading the bike….

…. And think he’s dropped out of the run.

Also Varga must be gutted it’s only a Duathlon!


Some strangeness in the tracker. Astle into T2 with a 5:41 lead over Thoes. Thoes just went through 7km on the run in 1st place. Either Astle stopped in T2 or tracker is squiffy.

Astle out with achilles trouble