Pro race chat (Tri)

Came 2nd by the looks of it.


GTB won it last year in fancy dress, she must have been cheering on Vincent this year! Ali hasn’t run it for a few years but Johnny was there a couple of years ago. Great race!


We had family over from Australia, which meant we went to Boxing day panto in Lincoln so I couldn’t do the Chevin Chase this year but it is great fun.


Whimp was in full arms and legs coverings though.


I saw that, hardly a fell runner :joy:

Apparently had road shoes on and made up quite a few places in the last couple of K which is on tarmac


Lionel’s ‘Review of 2023’ vlog is a corker. His solution to the woes of 2023: go self coaching again ‘but actually coach myself this time’.

Surely this is less about a serious run at it, more an awareness that the car crashes (or potential car crashes) are by far better for viewer numbers and this sets it up nicely. We’ll all crowd round waiting…

I even feel a bit unclean bringing LIonel up on the ‘pro triathlete’ thread - think he’s now a Youtuber who does a bit of tri.



Lionel is 35 and has learned nothing. Look at the guys and girls winning the big races, are they racing every week? who else does 120 hour training weeks?

He says that he is mentally stronger than ever… clearly this completely untrue, mentally he is a mess, which is why he does such stupid things


Lucy Gossage currently 3rd female in the Spine Race, if you fancy some dot watching. Snow on the way


Ruth Astle has put a new vid on YT saying that she’s moving away from Will Clarke as her coach - she’s moving to Kasper Pedersen.

I really hope she gets some of her injuries behind her as she had a crappy year (although if you’ve not seen it, this was a good video where she detailed her earnings for 2023).

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I just watched them as well. I do enjoy her videos as well as her outlook on things. Cookies were obviously doing their thing as her name came up on Linkedin for her Lloyds role … so naturally i took a look. Turned out she studied at Exeter Uni at the same time that i was working there.

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I just searched her on LinkedIn (not that I use it other than for occasional stalking). I liked this part of her “About” section: “A keen triathlete who is the current 25-29 Ironman World Champion.”

That might need an update as I believe she’s 34 years old now.


Lionel just announce he’s returning to ‘Ironman’ distance to target Kona.

I’m not following him too closely but I thought he said recently he was going to focus on PTO races or am I completely mistaken?

Tomorrow, he will be trying to qualify for Paris


Lionel is just a joke, not sure he will even Qualify.


Yep, he’s become a sad caricature of himself. Give it a couple of years, he’ll have lost his audience as no-one will care anymore and he’ll be doing a mano a mano Ironman battle with Mark ‘my T levels are low’ Lewis


Sebi Kienle doing Hyrax in Manchester this weekend.


Just seen this as well

I can’t see this
“ phone security “

The million dollar question is open ( normal ) or pro? ( what Joe skip went for ?)

I’ll get a pic if I see him