Sean Conway Iron 102

Its a bid odd as hes tagging Garmin in his posts :man_shrugging:

How many days/weeks is 4 hours sleep sustainable for, while doing that amount of physical excursion?

Maybe he’s channelling Margaret Thatcher. She ran the Country for 11 years on it.


I took my first look at the Slowtwitch thread as a lurker…hello @Annas :wave:

Longdog - is that another TriTalker? - was asking about algae calling a halt to the swim. There have been problems here in the last couple of years, probably exacerbated by run off from the fields above, but earlier in the year Park in the Past did a CrowdFund/JustGiving type thing to pay for a system that supposedly kills the algae. Most of us put some money in & so far :crossed_fingers: conditions are great. This might be tested as the weather warms up :grimacing:

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I asked earlier in the thread with the didgeridoo comment, but no one has claimed to be Longdog as yet. :blush:
As you are from the area @Doonhamer, will you be joining Sean at any stage? He was inviting people to join him on Instagram yesterday. From the pictures the area looks stunning.
Also, very interesting about them putting in a system to control the algae.


I saw that as well. I was amused that just as he was setting off a cyclist waved at him & gave him a shout :heart_eyes:

I’m off work tomorrow & was tempted to cycle with him for a bit but I’m fully invested in The Cotswold Classic Sausage Fest & it’s all about dialing in my half distance power atm :grin: .


If interested you can track him now…

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What day is it, and how is he getting on?

(I know it’s Friday btw :blush:)

He’s on day 6. In the swimming pool today and tomorrow. IC told him to get pacers for the bike, so he’s asking for people to go and help him. Think that’s the latest…


Who is IC?

Whereabouts is he?

I don’t have Instagram, Twitter or owt daft like that.

Iron Cowboy, the other guy who completed 101 full distance triathlons

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Ah, right.
Got where he is now, cheers.

I’ve got Tuesday off work for a ride.
And I pass him at Buckley on the way out and Bangor/Malpas on the way home.

But…riding 7 hours with a bloke I don’t know…hmm :face_with_monocle:


But he’ll put you on his Insta…immediate celeb.

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Yes and we would find it amusing :blush:


Don’t worry he’ll be riding on your wheel for 7 hours, you won’t need to talk to him. If it goes well you might be invited back another 90+ times :wink:


I just mentioned it to my wife, she reckons it’ll be good :face_with_monocle:
I’ll get him up on her Insta…

@BadAsh - I’ve got no more annual leave :sob::sob::sob:


What did you use it on, because we know you hate holidays :wink: :rofl: Your leave year dates must be unusual to run out in June? Most tend to be calendar year or financial year.


Gone to Blackpool innit…




Get a close of of the trotters for @GRamsay and @apm please


Are you riding with him today @Doonhamer? Was that your back on Insta?

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