Strength training

Thanks for that, I’ve had a proper read through it (when I’m supposed to be working) today.
In terms of depth I would say I’m somewhere around the 2nd picture below.
I’m definitely lower than 1 and higher than 3 and, to be honest, I think I’d be hard pressed to consistently hit a point exactly on 4 for every rep without an occasional 2 creeping in.
That’s why I use the bench as a guide, it means I consistently hit the same spot every rep, even if it is a cm or two higher than they say is ideal.

Watching some of the videos, I didn’t like how fast they descended and then used that stretch/rebound effect to initiate the return. I’m not trying to set records at all costs so would rather control my descent more, even if it means I’m a few kg down.

They make some good points about using a bench and it becoming a crutch, which I think I may try and reduce now I’ve got a decent feel for where I am.

Ps. That video of the guy doing that ATG squat with 380lbs (or so) was terrifying. Just sitting in that hole with knees fully flexed before driving out of it :scream:

PPS. That picture I used doesn’t appear on the desktop version (there’s a different one with only 2 options) only on my mobile; and even on the mobile it I rotate the phone to landscape it changes to the desktop picture and won’t come back wherever I do. Weird.


Yeah bouncing a move back up I think is cheating a little and a recipe for injury. Controlled lifting is important. I prefer a seated military press for that reason, standing its very easy to bounce the knees to get it going. Only problem with seated is when it gets heavy its akward racking the bar.


Shoulder press 100 rep max - 5Kg
(2.5Kg weights in each hand)
Hopefully can get this a bit higher.


Been advised to do some work on this to help my woeful wall ball fail.

Yep unbroken. Wall balls is the aim.

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Did some in a circuit yesterday
Only 10”s ( 6 kg) I’m not that bad, but when I really start panting they literally destroy me.

Looking at the scores on the doors after 33 in Manchester I probably had a worlds spot… then I fell apart in spectacular fashion!

Hey ho… onwards

Been advised to heave press an Olympic bar ( 20 kg ) bending legs and straight arms at the top

100 for time ! ( nice ?!)


Wall balls are killer.

I’m going 20 reps x 3 as part of a circuit with 6kg ( I believe that’s the female ball ). Definitely my arms that are failing first

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6 kg is male open ball

I think the ladies do 4 kg for 75 reps? Open

Same as open guys for ladies pro 6 kg x 100

Male pro is 9 kg x 100 reps, dear me I’d be there forever !

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Ok I feel a bit better now thank you :joy:
No way I’m doing 9kg. Tried it the first time and had to swap for 6kg immediately

Still the sled is a non starter, but I’m doing 40m with a token gesture 30kg on it.


Sled just comes with practice, position is important too, I struggled till I went hands really low at front back virtually parallel to the floor!
Felt like riding a bike and i was away!

Bigger guys stand up more and lift the back, it’s just finding the one that works for you.

Build the weight up slowly and get grippy trainers


Just been Googling a few strength related things and came across a nice simple strength target that appeals to my OCD without the complication of bodyweight, calculating 1RM etc.

Overhead Press - 1 Plate (60kg)
Bench Press - 2 Plates (100kg)
Squat - 3 Plates (140kg)
Deadlift - 4 Plates (180kg)

I realise there’s a massive difference between a 70kg guy and a 100kg guy but I’m at the top end of that (and a bit!) so these are pretty realistic for me in a fairly short term.
I’m already doing 3x100kg on Bench and multiple reps at 55 for Shoulders, 130 for Squat and 140/150 for Deadlift (so that’s going to be the trickiest one)


At 75-76 kg, currently I am well off those numbers. The idea of adding 40kg to my deadlift seems absolutely impossible to me.
OH Press - Not sure? We talking strict or push press?
Bench - 75/80
Squat - 110
Dead - 140 at a push on a good day!

Did some horrible grip strength training yestreday it was vile.
Deadhang for 20s
Farmers hold for 30-40s (30 with 10s rest before deadhang again) with 26kg DBs
First was easy then it really hits!


My grip’s not great. I never do any dedicated work for it and use lifting straps for pulling exercises on the heavier sets. I try and do as many sets as I can without them so I don’t become completely dependent but grab the straps when my grip becomes the limiting factor.
There are so many “ancillary” exercises you should do, grip, forearms, rotators etc but it’s fitting everything in. It always seems better use of time to do the big multijoint ones, right up until something goes pop.

I’ve never used straps but then my deadlift isn’t crazy heavy. Switch grip sorted any issues I had keeping hold of the bar deadlifting previously.

I think I’m learning working out which ancillary exercises you should be doing and kind of ‘getting you’ to do them, is where a decent coach comes in!


I just can’t bring myself to use it. There’s something about it being lopsided that messes with my head. I know I could alternate my grip each set to even it up but it just messes with my OCD that it isn’t symmetrical.
I know, I’m a weirdo!

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Same, feels like I am going to spin round.

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It does take some practice to get used to especially if your used to certain queues for deadlifting to set your shoulders etc but it is much better for grip and not loosing the bar. I’ll go switch for anything over 100kg


I’ve started strength training! I have pretty much zero experience of this so go easy on me. I do have a few bit and bobs for strength training kicking around due to short lived enthusiasm in the past but have never managed to stick with any of it. Part of this is from lack of willingness to push myself hard - I don’t like speed sessions running or cycling either.

Anyway, simple(ish) start. 3 x 10 (or nearly) sets of squats, pushups, pullups (with the biggest elastic band I have) and dips over the course of a day - minimum 3 mins rest between sets . 3 times a week.

Started on 1st March and oh my - the doms has been unreal for the first few sessions.

I’m really hoping the squats will make a difference to my cycling sprints in Zwift. 5s power best is 992W so I’d really like over 1000W

Not sure what else I’d like to see but a couple of pull ups would be good and a couple of proper dips.

First aim is to complete the whole of March.


Decided to try doing shoulders before chest today for a bit of a change and see if I could PB shoulder exercises without already tired triceps.
Didn’t manage to do any extra on military press but it definitely impacted my bench afterwards so not something I’ll be doing often.

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I’m only just over 2 weeks into doing anything at the moment but the one thing I hadn’t really expected was how tired it makes me. I get it when a 4 hour run makes me sleepy but did not appreciate how a total of probably 5 mins weight training would leave me shattered. Makes it a lot harder to do my normal cycling/running as well (and so I haven’t).

Have already seen the first progress for cycling power though and managed to hold >700W for 30s the other day for the first time