The 2019 weigh-in thread

I’m out for curry and beers tonight! Best not weigh in tmw!

Moving in the right direction, 77.5 (down from a 2019 high of nearly 82).

Weight post long run 75.7, that is some serious dehydration. Really struggled the last 5k and now I know why.

After a weeks all inclusive I’m pleased with that…!

Typical taper excess - very stable weight for 2 months, then I’ve put on 2.5kg in three days. Worth it for some lovely Greek food celebrating friends upcoming wedding though!



…after working from home all week and not dining out and having a hotel breakfast - I’ve lost 4lbs :scream:


Most of that has to be the processed food containing loads of salt leading to water retention - but that was a pleasant surprise this morning :relieved:

Playing with new toy kamtron scales
BMI 20.8
Body fat 10.7%
Body protein 20.3%
Body water 64.5%
Visceral fat 3kg
Bone 3.1kg
Estimated basal metabolic rate 1670kcal/24h

Despite 5 solid weeks of marathon training I’m currently topping 69kg, heaviest in years. This has never happened whilst training before, it’s normally a struggle to keep the weight on!!
I’m clearly ‘rewarding’ myself a little too much … and…just possibly, drinking too many SIS recovery shakes…
No drama, 13 weeks to chip that down to 66kg
I think going Tee Total will probably do that on it’s own…

I’m still a whale at 177lbs.
Managed to avoid processed food last week - sticking to the staff canteen and homemade salads for supper whilst on client site :frowning: #Exciting.

Previous racing snake weight was 154lbs.

I am 6ft 1in / 185cm

Is this going to require some sort of intervention. Is there a number we can call if we think one of our online compadres are at risk. Nobody should be eating salads for supper. Nobody.

I think we are going to have to block him if he keeps up this behaviour GB!

He used to be a northerner as well :flushed:


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Is supper something you have as well as breakfast lunch and dinner? I may have spotted your problem…



I’m a Welshman, but find myself with @Poet here. My wife is constantly telling me off for confusing our daughter with my definitions of dinner and supper! haha

Is this for the benefit of Graham, and the other guy who went mental over metric on the old forum? :smile:

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Supper is either a regular term for the evening meal for very posh people, or a snack taken late in the evening - by normal people. That’s what I grew up with. Although if I raid the biscuit tin or cereal shelf after 9pm, I do not call it Supper.

Either way, @Poet is on a warning.

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Breakfast, Dinner, Supper. The three staple meals of a day. Any time eating outside of those three is just snacking. Fact.

Maybe there’s something you didn’t know about poet and I!? I just drive a 12 year old Peugeot 407 estate for lolz innit.

No Luncheon? Just weird. Where are you from again? :upside_down_face:

Oh feck me, you really don’t know how posh you are :wink::rofl: (it should really be an old Volvo though)

Think about the type of people who always have new cars.

I had a 15 year old 307HDi until I left the dark side and got a proper job…with a shiny new car :smiley:


Supper, for me, is when the evening meal is taken after 7pm.
Dinner between 5:30pm and 7pm, and it’s tea if it’s between 4pm and 5:30pm.


metric is easier to track. 1lb = 3,500 calories = 500 calorie deficit per day.

Hmm, very precise. What about High Tea?

I reckon your ancestors owned a Pit or two :crazy_face: