The Sleep Thread

Business development for a Spanish owned bank. No travel, no F2F, all phone/Teams. Not overly stressful, bit pretty full on all day.

Currently home based full time, soon going back to the office 1 day per week. Hours are 9-5 3 days, 9-6 2 days.

I try to use the old commute time for bike or swim, and run at lunch time.

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Commute time is now taken up with walking a couple of the dogs and breakfast! Lunch, same. They don’t all get walked at the same time.

I used to have no issue fitting it all in before work when i was in the office. I think the big difference is that I commuted by bus, so had a nap on the way in and home. This probably added an extra hour of sleep every day.

Pre covid we only had a couple of dogs so there wasn’t so much walking etc required.


I’m not a dog owner so, can the dogs run with you? Who would walk the dogs if you were in the office?

I’ve tried turbo training while on long conference calls but I gave that up, it’s only worth doing if do are being forced to attend pointless calls you don’t take part in.


The dogs are little Chihuahuas so running with them is not an option sadly. I would walk a couple of them before going in, not sure what we’ll do going forward, never had to think about it before.

The wife is part time, so has more time. I just like making sure I’m doing my bit.


Agree. And nothing more than Z2 else I can’t even pretend to be listening.

I’ve a similar problem to you. I do the occasional TrainerRoad 1h lunchtime session but otherwise I’m an early morning weekend warrior.


Yeah i do a lunch time zwift or lift. Never been on a call and done it though.

Not a fan of evening training so usually its mornings.


I tend to be an early riser and am happy on 7hrs sleep a night (generally 11 - 6 or 6:30)

Mostly, I’m lucky enough to be able to organise my time to do a short ride at lunchtime; if my work gets busy I head out early instead (c6:30-7am). At the moment I’m being paid for 4 days a week so have flexibility to do a morning ride of 50ish miles on a Friday, which is great.

The only obvious option I can see is to find a way to either develop the walks into training sessions or get someone else to walk the dogs.


You must have excellent time management, what about on your days off? I generally struggle to exercise as soon as I get up, I’m usually up at least an hour before a parkrun and that is pushing it.

Can’t believe you find time for a bath as well, usually a quick shower for me. I do usually get up around 7 though and I’m usually in bed about 10 with the aim of getting 8-9 hours, until my bladder decides it wants up :roll_eyes:

Don’t watch a great deal of TV, but generally exercise in the evening and sometimes on a dinner time.


Nah, just a really boring life!

And it’s 2 baths, one at each end of the day😀 one of life’s two main pleasures I find, the other being malted and fermented.

I have gradually cut out all the stuff I didn’t like doing like commuting, going to the shops etc. So other than the things mentioned above, don’t really do anything much.

Days off are a bit more freeform but DIY or something family based usually takes the place of work.

Anyway it’s all change soon😳

Good luck on your travels and racing, will be watching the Strava feed closely :+1:


Two baths a day? Clearly not on a water meter then


Looking at Garmin stats, I seem to average 7 hours sleep a night, 50/50 light and deep.

When was ill with Covid the last 2 weeks, it was 8-9 hours a night plus napping during the day.

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Woke up this AM after the most insanely detailed dream about going into a fast food place and ordering some fried chicken.

Do I need more protein in my diet lol


Nightmares and 5hrs sleep for me :tada:

Not much sleep for me. I can only sleep about 10 mins at a time on my right side (because of the broken ribs that didn’t knit), so anything painful on the left is a real issue.

Guess which side my problem tooth is :cry:


Red eye flight and going to try and hang on until 8pm’ish!

I hate sleep deprivation :frowning:


I said I’d update on my wife’s CBT. After 3 sessions, it’s opened a couple of big cans of worms that look like the underlying causes of her anxiety.
It remains to be seen whether those worms fester or get fed to the blackbirds!


Woke up at 5am with a bit of a nightmare and didn’t get back to sleep so really struggling today, body is obviously still trying to get back into a routine. I was in bed just after 9 as well.

When I’m tired like this it really affects me cognitively and I feel really clumsy!

Supposed to be at a wedding reception tomorrow night but I think I’ll drive and not stay that late.


Anyone interested in doing the UK sleep census for Oxford Uni?

Don’t worry, I think you can put your real weight and not your Zwift weight on :roll_eyes:

BBC Two - Horizon - The UK Sleep Census

Edit: my sleep score was 5.8 which was average, I personally think it is a bit better than that but a few of the questions were vague. It also says I am an intermediate person, e.g. not a lark or a night owl, which I pretty much knew.


That took a little while, reckon it would help get you off if suffering from insomnia.

Sleep score 8.9, Chronotype 16 here whatever that means

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