Today I have already eaten

And today for breakfast, without the cream

Iā€™ve just had a huge wedge of my wifeā€™s delicious home made cofffee & walnut cake FOR BREAKFAST

I may hit 65kg if I carry on with this decadent lifestyle :joy:


Iā€™m eating less now Iā€™m not sat in front of a computer all day!

I had planned to have a banana chaser, but followed it up with another slice.

2 slices of toast and half a banana but the day is young :grin:

One cup of tea, out in the garden sun.

Fruit fibre, full fat milk
Shared 3 boiled eggs and two toast with my 2yo, so Ingot about half :sweat_smile:

Stupid healthy dinner didnā€™t cut it. Especially after i went for a run.

Iā€™m sat at my ā€˜deskā€™ catching up on work, and the healthy food satiety deficit has just forced me into eating a whole big bag of crisps (normally pour half into a bowl, but all the bowls were dirty so i ate from the bag ā€¦ there was only ever going to be one outcome!!! haha). Then the wife comes out stating sheā€™s still hungry, and starts cooking chocolate and salted caramel hot cross buns. Well no way iā€™m missing out on that! Whatā€™s that, youā€™re having two?! Count me in!!



Family bags of crisps, my downfall!

Why is it Iā€™m eating more ā€˜junkā€™ food just now? Iā€™m still going into work, still exercising (mostly). Routine hasnā€™t really changed, just feeling the need to feed!

I feel the need, the need to feed!

That reminds me, wonder if Top Gun 2 will be moved back this summer? Was looking forward to that.

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This lockdown is killing my diet. I usually make a mass batch of flap jack which lasts a month, piece into work.

WFH just over a week, and Iā€™m 2/3 through the entire batch, eating at 3x the usual rate.

Must have to start a lockdown bloater thread and start tracking our collective weight gain and acts of gutbucketeryā€¦


A banana
An avocado
A white NY Deli Bagel
so much coffee

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An orange
2 slices of home made fruit bread with butter
2 coffees

An actual orange?
Or a clementine, mandarin, satsuma, etc.

I find oranges make a right old mess.

A genuine, large, pretty messy, orange

I even zested it first as wife uses orange and lemon zest in baking

Mmm, I like the Kettle chips, despite not being Vegan in the slightest the new cheese vegan ones are actually good, possibly better than the non-vegan ones, I almost hate myself for saying that!

Shame I canā€™t find the Burtā€™s Guinness ones anymore, they were lovely :yum:

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Iā€™m like a stray dog, wondering where my next meal is coming from, so hoovering everything up that might end up in the bin. Three of my wifeā€™s homemade scones this morning, in one go.





The whole jar I hope? :heart_eyes:

"Can Mr GB please report to the weigh in threadā€¦ "


17th July I think. I, too, was looking forward to it. Come to think of it, I still am, but not for a wee while.

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Made scones for the family this morning. They turned out absolutely cracking. I had two with salted butter and local honey. Lunch today remains a mystery, but dinner is a slow cooked lamb shank.