Training outdoors in winter: yes or no

Nesh is a Scouse word too in my experience, but don’t hear it much in Manc :thinking:

Also got snowed on for a good bit of our ride today, type 2 fun!


Lovely ride today, fallen trees were more of an issue than snow: there was an impressive array of greenery and branches at regular intervals. Two bike carries, one turn-around and 30 mins of sleet at the end but lots of sunshine and lovely North Wales views before that:

I get out unless the weather is really bad - working 4 days, all from home, does make finding a decent weather slot easier.
I am hoping for dry enough weather for one more summer bike ride, so have held off on fitting the turbo tyre!


No forum thread is complete without some grammar pedantry :wink:


You sir, are quite mad🤣

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@Wells - It’s a TT1.0 “thing”
It was a month or two before I joined.
Basically, some MTBer came along, said Steve Peat was the best, bad mouthed people, then left with a “Your All Gay”

It caused months of endless amusement for people.

@roscoemck , et al. It was only like that for that last half hour. The other 2.5hrs were dry as a bone (just minus 1°)


Years, tbh :smile:

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Decade actually :rofl: :rofl:


My garage is detached and cold, so it’s still a motivational challenge to train indoors.

Running in winter is fine, but there is nothing wrong with running on a treadmill.

Swimming, strangely is harder to keep up despite being the warmest cosiest sport in winter. Just riding too and from puts me off.


I’m with you on this one, my turbo trainer is in the hut. No heating or electricity, light from a couple of LED work lights. The motivation to go out there is challenging in these temps.


That’s my problem too…. and then if I stop, I get really cold really quickly as i’m soaking wet with sweat!


Yep, same.

I also find when I finish a run/ride in the winter. I’ll come in the house. It’ll be warm, i’ll be warm. Then about 10 minutes later my body temp just crashes and i’m stood there uncontrollably shivering. It happens so quickly .


I’m about to head out for a 6km tester. Shower at the ready on return!


Norm’s Helium Loops could be interesting for you then :grimacing:.


#rule9 eh?

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Don’t go inside, stay cold!

I haven’t had trouble on an ultra before, so i think i just need to keep moving and treat is as much like a straight through race as possible.

May have an opportunity to test some stuff out next week :wink: My mate did a 12 hour test run last week, and has his eye on 18 next week. May join him for a chunk of the night section.


I had noticed that, not that I’m at all interested in the event itself…no siree.


Norm Lite?

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Was that a ride yesterday Jeff? Roads not too icy then? That’s always my concern on-road.

Obvs I got out yesterday morning. Bergen run. Took the Puppy for 50 mins, then dropped her back and did the rest on my 2h session. Nice day out there it was.

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No, it was a run. Some rural roads were a bit slippery but the trails were mostly ok as the snow hadn’t frozen.