Training - What Training?!

Your in-laws have a pool :exploding_head:
(And sauna?)



That was very poorly worded :flushed:

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Last block was hard work, and put the idea of a short brick run to bed

Easing myself back in…


30 minute spin class. Legs are trashed.


30 min yoga with Adriene - not going to finish last years in time to start this years on the 1st Jan so going to try and persevere and finish Move before starting this years

50 mins of hill repeat sprints - thought i was going to hurl by the end

1 hr walk with daughter and Oska

Now to curl up on the couch with a bit of Harry Potter - she’s a complete Potter nut having grown up with the films


Got a new Garmin for Christmas having changed from Sunnto which I had been using for circa 10 years.

My fitness score on Training Peaks is going through the roof (comparatively).

For example - todays 50 min hill reps scored 236TSS. Last month a 10 hr hike/run through the Namib desert in 40 degree heat for 56km only scored 201.

Clearly the 2 different systems are producing different scores but why the massive difference?


It would be based on your threshold values you have set. But if you are loading in to TP it should be using the values you have set in there and the Garmin shouldnt matter. Not sure if TP has profiles for different devices. Look in the settings at the zones you have.

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Can’t see anything different on that front

25,000 press ups in 2022.

Added them up last night, todays circuit left me needing 260.

Of course it’s not on strava so it never happened.


Now whilst any system can be consistent, and the absolute numbers are meaningless, in the Garmin set up, the above is impossible. Now it depends a bit how it calculated it what you need to chane, but basically go into garmin connect and set all your thresholds to appropriate defaults to start with

It’s likely using thresholds in TP that you haven’t used recently.

Check default, heart rate, power and umm pace I think. In TP. For each sport.

Thanks guys - I don’t think anything has changed on those variables - might dig out the old watch to repeat a set and see what the result is

6.5k morning run.

86m elevation. 28 minutes.


I’m not suggesting anything has changed - quite the opposite.

Another 75km in the bank today.
Ribble 725 is going great guns again, after her crash I redid the cables, brake pads, “new” wheels and tyres, plus new saddle (which I just cannot get level for me. It’s either too fore, or aft!) gears shift smooth, brakes work great, just feels ace.

Shorter distance tomorrow (~40km) but off road :+1:t3:


Tempo intervals on the treadmill Zwift. Too hard. Garmin agrees…


I basically haven’t moved all day except for 40mins on the treadmill


156 av
High 170 max

That’s about right for Tm intervals ?

I’m glad my watch doesn’t tell me how tired/ crap/ good I am ?!


Yeah, I am still sick a bit. Coughing away over my pint in the pub.


Actually think this might be the first time my watch is right about things.

…Doesn’t mean I like it :joy:

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8.86 mile run :man_running: :dash: ===

It was bloody awful, hated every minute of it. Hips tight. Not enjoyable at the moment.

Couldn’t be arsed to run up any hills, so plotted a flat route off the cuff. Plod plod plod. Ugh. Horrible


Boxing this morning … went ok.

First swim for 3 weeks
120 l only a min down on previous pace so quite pleased.

Back at it now.