Training - What Training?!

11km very easy run, 1:05, followed by a 1km walk home.


25km this morning but kept it very low pace as had the dog with me and didnā€™t want him overheating - it was boiling

Glorious weather but so many nettles about - my legs are still tingling

Should keep the dog quiet for the rest of the day


25 degrees yesterday. 23 forecast today. Pleased with myself for getting out by 8am for a three hour ride.

Met by thick mist, freezing, damp, couldnā€™t see a bloody thing. Of course itā€™s now brightened up beautifully in time for me having to do some awful jobs in the garden.


Iā€™m still embarrassingly broken from The Fred last Sunday but I got out for a decent gravel ride featuring the Deeside Way and a loop through Lochnagar Estate and the outskirts of the grounds of Balmoral. I didnā€™t need the frame bag really, but I fancied keeping my pockets empty for a change.

I didnā€™t take any decent scenic photos. But hereā€™s the footbridge at Balmoral with an interesting chain link in its design.


Iā€™ve got one of those Win Wings. Theyā€™re an excellent bit of kit.

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Quite a big week for me in the end, helped by being off work for most of it. About 10.5 hours with the majority being on the bike. 36K running but yesterday was a trail run, and going back last weekend when I had 23K over two days.

Only swam 3 times as I couldnā€™t be bothered to look when I was away but got a longer set in on Friday evening.

Tired now though so probably taking it easy for a few days.


Yes definitely been great addition of instead of the heavy full mudguards

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Pre-work hour of hip rehab at 7am.

  1. Poolside stretches
  2. Swim: 1600 as : 400 w/u, 2 x 100 IM, 400 (6m13), 200 kick, 2 x 100 (1m25, 1m28), 200 kick. Aching a bit after that.
  3. Straight to the gym: abductors 20 x 15kg (that hurt), adductors 20 x 15kg. Nordic ski 2 minutes at 300W. Single leg balance routine. Single leg squats. 2 x 20 hops on each leg (not :beer:) which felt surprisingly OK, 5 minutes walking on the treadmill 15% incline 6kmh.

Now coffee. Got the car today so thatā€™s my exercise done.


10 x 200m(ish) easy-ish. Breathing still not 100% at the top end.

1:34/100m average.

Some fool thought it was amusing to push off in front of me after being overtaken, so some 150m and 50m in there ā€¦

ā€¦ as I allowed my rage to simmer down :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::sob:


Thanks @Poet Really please with how it went yesterday. Weirdly for me, the swim felt the worst and run the best of the threeā€¦must be the track sessions helping
118/1350 overall, 9/128 in 45-49 04:42:49
Swim 00:27:08 T1 00:03:16 Bike 02:31:26 T2 00:04:12 Run 01:36:46


Nice work :white_check_mark::+1:t3:
Little report on the 2024 races thread?

ā€˜Kin ā€˜ell :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:
Youā€™d need a sub 4:25 just to be Top 50 there :scream:


I accomplished feck all yesterday. Burning the candle at both ends. Had to make do with tiling the kitchen


Thatā€™s a very tasty 5km after an hour on the bike - good work although your HRM seems to be misbehaving during the run?

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3 x outdoor rides in 8 days. I repeat. 3 rides OUTSIDE!

:joy: :joy:

Hoping Iā€™ve got rid of the psychological barrier now and can enjoy some nice late spring/summer riding.


So. Turns out i may have ridden a bit harder than i realised today, as my legs were pretty tired walking down the hill on the school run!

Looked at the stats and, whilst not impressive in any way, compared to my current fitness they do tell a story.

26.kms with 465m climbing.

Thatā€™s not very far off my FTP at the moment iā€™d guess! Well i had it down as about 230 on the TT bike using the Zwift turboā€™s power meter. I think itā€™s easier to put more power down outside on a roadie, plus my 4iiii single side probably overreads a tad.

Still, nice to have a bit of a blast in the sun.


10 painfully slow KMs on the run today - training is going abysmally at the moment. Overcooked it after returning from illness a few weeks ago (despite thinking I should be careful not to :man_shrugging:t4:) and still struggling - every activity is at least 10-15bpm higher than it should be.

Need to get healthy asap so I can have a proper final block for Roth. Probably worthy of a post in the sub-11 thread but Iā€™ll save that for when Iā€™m in a better headspace. Sunā€™s out though :+1:


Donā€™t you have a newborn as well!?

The extra stress and lack of sleep is going to be having an effect on your body as well. Be kind to yourself and donā€™t overdo it chasing numbers at the expense of everything else!


Yeah, probably stick to something relaxing, like tiling the kitchen!


Having been up at 3 to drive to a race 100 miles awayā€¦


6.4km jog for me.
Progressive to 5km, then cool down.
Streakfly shoes felt peng :heart_eyes::white_check_mark:

Terrain and traffic affected pace (crossing roads, avoiding humans etc) but I am sick of the bypass :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye: