Training - What Training?!

9km road/trail mix with the club. 53mins


Managed to drag my sorry ass out of bed for 11km with the dog before work.

Nice morning


Yes but tbh heā€™s been fairly easy so far and weā€™ve got my parents here until the end of May.

It is what it is - doctor appointment tomorrow so hopefully can get healthy and then reassess


Theyā€™re all pretty easy when they stay in one spot :smile:


So Iā€™ve lived to tell the tale and seem ok this morning so donā€™t think I swam in too much :poop:. It was warmer than the app but 16 degrees is still the bottom level of my acceptable temp mark.

Iā€™m the worlds most average sports person but I survived, didnā€™t come last and made a suitable hash of transition after not doing one for 2 years and only my second in 9 years :joy::joy::joy: it needs practice apparently.

But they captured me looking like I kind of know what Iā€™m doing, so I feel ok :wink:


I had checked out the results to see where I would have placed without actually having to get wet & saw youā€™d been there. Great dive, impossible to criticize that :pinched_fingers:



I did this for the Roadford race i was supposed to have done on Sunday.

Some absolute weapon turned up and put 40 mins into 2nd place (who i think either won last year or was 2nd again)! :rofl:

1st M40 was a bit too punchy for me, maybe could have been close at the upper end of my expectations had i been really fit and had a really good day. 2nd M40 was like 45+ mins behind him, so i couldā€™ve taken a weak AG podium maybe and probably a top 10 overall (itā€™s only a small, local race).


Iā€™ve been going through what-ifs for Sunday, and I actually did the race!

Basically my swim was cr*p. Possibly a bit of biff at the start - nose still hurts from a kick, but mostly just my open water pace is too leisurely. Maybe need to accept this is where I am now.

Bike was fast despite power being down. Donā€™t know how that happened, wind was in a funny direction, maybe the course sheltered from the worse of the headwind sections.

Run was OK despite feeling tough. Transitions were a bit ropey. Put socks on for the bike for warmth and meant no bloody toes on the run. One gel on the bike, another at the start of the run. But aero pocket flaps in my suit make it really hard to get the empty wrappers stashed. Ended up stuffed up my legs or down my front, not very aero.

But end of the day, to hit sub 2:10 - which I think I should have been able to do - need to sort the swim out.


After a couple of days battling the lurgy managed a 45 minute spin class.

Wasnā€™t mega hard, but more than enough in my current state.


Yeah Iā€™ve thought about Saturdays race too. My T1 cost me the race. Beaten to the AG win by 28 seconds but my T1 was around a minute slower. Baby oil is being slapped on the legs and arms liberally for the next one in a couple of weeks!


Have you cut your legs down on the wetsuit?
Lop them right off to above the ankles :grimacing:

Goggles off and into cap as you exit the water
Clasp in one hand
Take that arm out first and as youā€™re still getting out, the arm sleeve should hold the goggles and cap
Other arm out as youā€™re running to your bike and hoik the suit down to your waist
When at bike, it then should just slide right off.

Magic :white_check_mark:


Body butter layer actually works better because it doesnā€™t disintegrate in water quite so quickly. Learnt from Vicky Holland and cronies in France :wink:


2,500m swim. 1:34/100m average

5 x 100m Pull warm up
5 x 100m paddles progressive
5 x 100m free
5 x 100m paddles regressive
5 x 100m pull cool


I do this, cut approx 10cm from the legs and I take a bit off of the left wrist.
Iā€™ve only been in one race where they had wettie strippers and that was the Outlaw 2010. They sat me on my arse and it was off in about 0.5 secs :smile:


edit er no maybe I wonā€™t make that comment

engage brain then type

yes wetsuits are hard to get off arenā€™t they :neutral_face:


5km jog.


Iā€™ve only had a wetsuit stripper at iM South Africa and 70.3 St George, they even slapped sun cream on me in SA.

Anyway, I think a contributing factor is Iā€™m wearing a ST suit, itā€™s a good fit and I really like it but itā€™s tight getting in over my legs too. I can pull it up to around half of my calf. But yeah it bunches up on the ankle when it comes off. Iā€™ll take a look at chopping a bit off of each leg


Blue seventy helix?

Surely youā€™d be an SMT?
Thats what I was when 70kg at 185cm.
Best suit Iā€™ve had that :+1:t3::white_check_mark:


Zone3 Aspire, Iā€™d probably be better off with a MT tbh

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