Training - What Training?!

Exactly what I have, Blue seventy helix SMT, 70kg or a bit less, 180cm and find it very tight and slow to get off. Good to swim in though.


2 x 20 minute spin class.

Still not over the lurgy. Absolutely ballbagged after the first one.


19km gravel bike canal commute.
230W AP
250W NP

Rapid :rocket::rocket::rocket:

6km blast office to station :white_check_mark:


Does anyone have an approach for a return to training post illness? I am guessing mostly ā€˜feelā€™ and edge your way in but could be:

  • Feel
  • Resting Hr
  • HRV
  • recent sleep history
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Bit of everything for me and if symptoms are definitely subsiding.

And very easy, no Bologna!


Very easy first day back.

Then progressively harder till you break yourself again !

Weā€™re all guilty and weā€™re all ( mostly) still doing it.


Cheers - I was edging my way back in but Hr v high. Despite the body not responding well I did chuck in some highly unnecessary threshold (actually vo2) efforts last Tuesday which clearly didnā€™t agree with me!

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As @Rooster says, give it another day or two after you think youā€™re safe to return.


3 x 800m pull and paddles.
Tired after the office day yesterday :zzz::sleeping::yo-yo:


800s! You savage


Gotta be done. Iā€™ve done 2 x 1,000m recently, too.
Nothing above that. I wanted to do 4 this morning, but lethargy, coupled with a busy pool and Knobby McKnoberson pushing off in front of me at 2:15/100m meant Iā€™d had enough :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye:

It was something @Jorgan said a few years back about itā€™s all well and good being able to do <1:30/100m for short reps, but if you canā€™t hold it, itā€™s useless :white_check_mark::+1:t3:

Oh, and some headphones that @funkster recommended make swimming super easy!!!
Although, Iā€™m a bit sick of last summerā€™s music now :face_with_peeking_eye::rofl:


Did an interval session on Wednesday and next morning foot was aching. Swapped my easy run for skipping, stretching and easy to jog. Still not great today. Think it might be plantar fasciitis. No running for next 2 days but on Sunday I have a 5k race so hopefully I can have a crack. Just started building running back up, but maybe too much or not enough warm up for an oldie.

I had 3 months out at start of the year, and it did not help weight loss! So I need to be strict this time!

Also on Sunday Iā€™ve got my first 10m TT, looking forward to it, despite the not so favourable forecast!


Do they still live among us? :sweat_smile:

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1.9k swim. Easy easy easy. Mainly 50-150s, as long as I could largely maintain my (bad) form. Was actually quite enjoyable and felt easy


Yesterday, gym in the morning and 20 minute treadmill run in the evening.

At lunch, 30 minute spin class.

Tonight, we swim.


Bloody hell, Adam, youā€™re setting a bad example, thereā€™s other threads to post on :rofl::rofl:

Ps: can you tag me in your swim? Thatā€™s practically the same as doing it myself, right :man_shrugging:t2::joy:


Honestly mate, itā€™s nothing to write home about.

I have a couple of races at the end of next month (nothing special, just local and short distance).

The problem is my two usual crutches are MIA.

Swim once a week. Decent pace, but Iā€™m broken at the end.

Furthest Iā€™ve ran since the start of March is 5k. Calf still niggly, pace off.


Jog. Half an hour. Half arsed.
First km in 4:17.
Then dialled it back to something more suited to my current fitness :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye:


Rode 61km with the guys from the compound this morning. thereā€™s a cycle track going right out into the desert but for some inexplicable reason at every single bridge or underpass big concrete barriers had been laid, about 1m high, completely blocking the track. We had to dismount and clamber over them about 20 times. Recovering hip is now fine pedaling away at low force + high cadence, but didnā€™t like the steeplechase element so much.

It was the sort of ride @Poet would have hated because we stopped for about half an hour for water, and again at a service station for shade and coffee (in a 3 hour rideā€¦) it was hot though & I was wilting a bit by the end. So the stops were welcome.

Saw 2 oryx :+1:


FREAKING HELL YEAH :partying_face::confetti_ball:

19:30 ish :heart_eyes::+1:t3:

The secret is in that first KM :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye: