Training - What Training?!

100km gravel, 2.25kW of maximum power :rofl::rofl:

I wondered what that crack was :face_with_peeking_eye::rofl:

Did 2 x 20min at 250W.
One uphill, felt nice.
One a busy flat old railways line … 30kmh with dog walkers and walkers and horses is a bit knobhead-ish :rofl::face_with_peeking_eye::rofl:

EDIT: Also, doing 62.9kmh off road downhill on a gravel bike is quite exciting :poop: Maybe won’t do that again :woman_shrugging:t4::open_mouth:


Utter rubbish - started out well intending a 10 min run 2 min walk strategy ready for SDW in 2 weeks. Held it not problem for first hour at decent pace.

Then earphone pinged out of my ear and landed in a puddle- grr.

Then the heavens opened big time. Double grr. Took shelter under some trees for 5 mins and that was it - all my energy seemed to evaporate and decided to cut short.

Still time on feet I suppose and better than nothing.

Was going to say it’s now time to taper for SDW but for that I would have had to be training hard for it. Oh well, what’s the worst that could happen?


Nice work :white_check_mark:

You should’ve gone into town (the other way)
A very brief shower, but otherwise not raining and warm!!!

Very odd weather.
20° here now … so much for these thunderstorms :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


Thunder and lightning just started here now


75k :biking_man: ride with 1k :mountain_snow:.
Wasn’t a great night with the newborn and was scared I might be rendered solo midway on the ride but was a bit better than I expected. Hopefully this is the start of a comeback! A very slow, plodding comeback.


Slightly easier week this week after a tough one last week. 9 hours with nearly 5 on the bike, 3 on the run and around 1.5 swimming.

Only real efforts were a short set of reps on the dreadmill and the parkrun yesterday.

Slightly chewy week at work didn’t help matters or a few bad days of weather.


10 1/2 hrs including 66km of running


Just over 10.5 hrs for myself. Highlight probably just nudging over 10km swimming for the week. Not sure I’ve ever done that before.

Half term this week and the weather is looking shite. Off to Cornwall tomorrow, genuinely considering taking my turbo!


144km /5h50 of cycling this week (with a mountainous 237m of elevation) mainly commuting. Recovered loads over the last few weeks since hip injury. Basically it feels fine now for biking.

Swimming most days 30 minutes, plus been to the gym I think 3 times this week.

Zero running yet but some treadmill walking up to 7kmh.


Nice work on the swimming :clap:t3:
Is that over 3 or 4 sessions?

I find 3km can be done in an hour, anything longer than that needs less recovery or faster swimming :rofl::rofl::rofl:

9.5hrs for me (should’ve been 11)
Sunday Bike was curtailed due to the forecast.
All other sessions done and pleased where my running is at, seeing as I’ve done zero speedwork for nearly two years now :exploding_head::roll_eyes::face_with_peeking_eye:


11 paltry hours!
Couldn’t hit the required 12 due to life etc.

The usual crap but no swimming or boxing

Sunday was hardest day with hour bike hour run,
215 w av bike
12.2 kph run
Av hr 152.
Looking for a longer run race and slowly starting some hyrox stuff now
summer is here !


You’re close to Manchester, right?

Certainly ain’t summer here :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I managed 1 hour on the bike last week. That’s it. :pensive:


20 mins ago … glorious sunshine
Now … hissing down

Had this for the last week or so.

Still I have a tan and my flowers look spectacular !

This is our summer. I live near Preston

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Over four but should have been three.

4km on Tuesday, just over 3km Thursday and 2km at the lake on Saturday. Should have done an extra lap of the lake once I realised but I managed to squeeze in a few quick 100s when taking the kids swimming yesterday!


Nice :white_check_mark::clap:t3::+1:t3:

I woke up today thinking the pool opened at 0730.
NOPE :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
0930. Far too late, got shizzle to do.
It closes at 1530, too :roll_eyes::exploding_head:

I’ll still be filling holes, sanding and touching up then :face_with_peeking_eye::rofl:


Just under 7h for the week here with 2 races yesterday. The 10m TT gave me an estimated FTP of 292w which is highest for the year.

Holiday in Manchester and London this week so don’t think I’ll get more than 5 hours, so I’ll take that as a recovery :beers:


6km easy trail run alongside LO on her new bike.


New bike!


50 mins cycling at the gym

10 mins sauna

I do like a sauna but sometimes the inane chit chat from other users is too much - today was one of those days