Training - What Training?!

Good effort Dooners.

Gym this morning for me. Rowing and running related S&C.

Will swim tonight.


I was born in mancot, school in Hawarden and my family originate from Shotton !

I know those roads they were grim 30 years ago!

Gravel bike?

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Road bike, some surfaces were a bit grim but the problem atm is that the verges are so overgrown the smaller roads are a metre or two narrower than usual…I’ve got nettle stings all down my left arm :joy:


Lol my running route is like that, so many nettles everywhere!

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5k run this morning, lovely and sunny.

66m elevation. 21:48.

Good news is my calf has seemingly fully healed. Bad news is my run fitness is shocking.


Yeah, but as we all know form & fitness are temporary class is permanent.



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Just popping in to say how good indoor training is. None of the constant fucking about with bike kit and traffic and weather and fuck me.

90min on the trainer, 15mins solid run. Feel great. Time for bacon.



I agree 100%
Easily converting indoor stuff ( bike and run ) to outside races these days, in fact slightly faster outside ( heat possibly?)

I only wish swimming was similar.

Nice session


4100m swim
1200m warm up (mixed)
400 sets of:

  • 100m descending easy->ironman->half IM->hardish
  • 50m hard with paddles
  • 200 IM (no fly!)
  • 50m steady/hard

500m cool down

90 min easy run


Calk guards :+1:t2:

150k indoor bike ride, wrapping up the first good week of training in a while.

:swimming_man: 6k
:biking_man: 243k
:running_man: 35k

13.5k hours total.


Hi @explorerJC and @mw22 :wave::ocean:


I’m out somewhere… anywhere :see_no_evil::joy:

Bet it’s rammed down there today!!

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Only 15mins to find a parking spot :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You must be able to hear me?

A pretty grim 90 min static bike this morning told me what I already knew
My legs are toast ( despite a sports massage this week)
This week was 11.5 hours including a first fast hyrox sim for some time and a 16 km hilly outside run basically as fast as I could 4:22 kms ish.
Usual boxing core strength circuits but my legs are constantly stiff and a few days recovery now .
Did comment to someone who knows much more than I do about endurance training the
“ you do realise your nearer 60 than 50 now “ reply was quite sobering

Onwards !


Another 10 hour week and was going alright until yesterday.

5 hours on the bike including 100k today with the tribars now on the Propel, AP was around 230W so a decent workout.

The long run on Wednesday got me to around 3 hours of running and then some swimming including jumping in the lake yesterday.

Will stick with cycling and swimming this week.


Pretty relaxed week mainly made up of short hilly runs and short hilly rides. Back on it tomorrow.

Racing Windsor on Sunday too


9.5hrs (or 15 hours :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:)

An 8 hour bike ride, plus a few 30 min easy sessions. The only “swimming” done was an hour on a water based assault course. Absolutely draining walk around London (22km!!) the day before, too.

I always find school holidays a bit of a non-starter for structured exercise, we end up doing other active stuff which leaves me a bit tired for a swim/bike or jog.

Weather not looking the best for this weekend, but I’ll take a tailwind :rofl::white_check_mark:


May 24

The end of April/beginning of May involved Monday, Wednesday & Friday working in Birmingham.
Which included two nights in Birmingham hotels and 18 hours of total commuting time! :roll_eyes:
This not only reduced training time in that week, but took a while to recover from too.

Swim – 0km
My swimming club’s pool made the local paper. :frowning:

So, I really need to get my act together and find somewhere else to swim.

Run - 90km :sunglasses:
Now I know the ultrarunners on here cover this distance in 24 hours. :roll_eyes:
However, this is my best monthly total since at least 2014 (I lost my detail records before then.)
This was achieved following a very simple ‘little, but often’ approach.
17 runs, with an average of 5.3km and a maximum of 8.1km (my one trip up Harrow Hill).

Bike – 826km
Whilst lower than last month’s record breaking total, this is still my 3rd biggest monthly total ever.
Again, this was achieved via a little and often approach, as my longest ride was just 50.8km.

Time – 37h 16m
Despite the show start to the month, I did manage to do 15 x double days in May.
And this still ranks as my 4th biggest month since 2015, so happy with that.

At the end of April, I said I’d take what May gives me & it turned out better than expected.
I will also need to be pragmatic about June, as work & life ‘stuff’ may get in the way again.

Cheers, Paul. :slight_smile: