Training - What Training?!

20 km trail run all 5 min kms quite cool so hr low.


Dear me!
For a gym rat this is a lot of outside running !
Weres that treadmill ?!
26 k
Av hr 148
5 min kms bang on ( carbon shoes are faster)
Legs sore now

60 k in 3 days



This morning was swim of the indoor horizontal slow type for 1500 metres. Upright “swim” of 6,082m in the afternoon during 30 minutes.


A 7km run down near where Poms are portly.

Making some progress from a 2km when I landed.


Are you in my hood?

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I’d have said I was in Portsmouth, but it’s your council area on the bins.
We’re on a road trip around the UK visiting friends and family we haven’t seen for few years. Completely unrelated to our rental not starting for another few weeks and having out stayed out welcome at the in-laws.


I got out for 17.5kms this morning with a mate.

Achilles is not getting any worse, so that’s a positive. But it’s still ‘there’ just about.

I ran 40km last week (14, 10, 16) and have done 31km this week so far (13 and 17).

Moved my cleats forward a tad and that seems to have stopped the cycling aggravating it. So I’m hoping I’ve got one of the main contributors sorted. 2 x decent 1hr workouts on zwift this week with no ill effects (other than weak AF legs).


I feel ya.

Ran this morning for just over an hour (9:1 run:walk) and felt like the last hours of an IM marathon.


Always welcome at Winchester mate :+1:t2:

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Been a weird week, I came out of the weekend on a high after completing my race on Saturday, then work just got ‘uggh’ after two weeks off, then a couple of attempts at running revealed a tight rear quad.

Just did 35 mins on the turbo, which is the first proper exercise I’ve done since Saturday. Need to up my game.


Back on it today.

30 minute spin class at lunch.

Will swim tonight.


parkrun. Easy. 9km total at 4:30/km :white_check_mark:

Still tired from last week.

On the plus side, 18% body mass loss so far this year :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:


Absolutely fucking pissing down at Bix Hill at the moment. Dont want to go out in it but I’ve got 4hrs to kill and 5x9min threshold to do.


Went out in it for fifteen as the sun came out and got drenched. I’m not prepared and don’t fancy soaking socks for the rest of the day either.

Weather app just said wind today. No mention of monsoon.


I’m using the crap weather as a good excuse for a recovery day.


5km run first thing.

70m elevation. 21:56.


Got it done

I switched jersey to The Gabba and it was pretty amazing actually. I usually sweat like a bastard hill climbing but the rain was freezing cold. Zipped on the five minute descent I didnt freeze my ass off, not didn’t get hot unzipped on the way up.


I’m quite pleased. Did my fastest 10km this morning since 2016. It’s still not quick by the standards around here but does highlight that training things other than running (ie strength, swimming, cycling) does actually help. It’s almost as if the physio’s know what they’re talking about :joy::joy:


45 minute spin class at lunch.

Very humid. Very sweaty.


A lovely ten hours this week
Holiday innit!
However almost seven of those hours were spent running at 12 kph
5 outside on beautiful Yorkshire trails
And a 1:45 21 k t mill marathon today
Av hr 144 ( so there’s more )

Sadly I got off and realised if strained my right calf in literally the last few hundreds m”s ( thought it was cramp!)

82 km total ! The highest for some years I’m guessing ?

The only other session was 10 press ups a min for an hour rest was stretch and easy core

Strength week next week… calf willing
Stick at it !


Another quiet week with ~6:30, partly due to being away and doing nearly nothing but walking for a few days and having not ran for a couple of weeks. I did manage two test run/walks but only added up to about 7K and 3K at jogging pace, although no obvious issues.

About 2 hours of swimming and the rest cycling, indoors in bloody June!

Probably be even less this week until the race next Sunday but I should be fresh :joy: