Training - What Training?!

A couple of counterreformative commutes, comrades.

10 mile run into work
4.66 hot sweaty miles home


45 mins easy on the trainer - first bit of exercise post surgery.


1600m 30min skins lake swim.
Glorious :heart_eyes::sunrise:


7.5 mile run :man_running: :dash:

Canal run, couple of undulations.


50 mins on the treadmill in the garage watching first half of the footy - thermostat said 25 degrees - sweating buckets


Cheeky 50 miles before work.


I saw that in Strava.

Nice work :heart_eyes::sunrise::white_check_mark:


Felt a bit crappy for the first hour or so, but then picked up

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Decided to go for a run at a nice sensible time, like noon.

Body was not enjoying itself at all today. Struggle town. But my mind was enjoying being outside after being stuck in the office all day yesterday. So my planned 8km accidentally turned into 15! :joy:

Probably shouldā€™ve been sensible and just backed rihjt off the pace. But I just ignored the watch and plodded along regardless. Taking a fair old whole to cool down right now!


I cut the grass, thatā€™s about it so far!


Gym this morning. Boiling.

3.5k on the rowing machine.
3 sets each of weighted bridges, dumbbell bench press, bicep curls, sit ups.



Think Iā€™ve just had my last ever run.
Keep persisting, but so many injuries and niggles I donā€™t even know where to start anymore.
Itā€™s completely taken any enjoyment away and now conscious its just likely to end up impacting riding or even worse generally mobility.

Sad times :pensive:



Iā€™m sorry to hear that mate. After multiple setbacks, there does come a point where you think youā€™d better off spending time and effort on what you can do and what makes you happy.

New bike then? :grin:


Depressingly I neither need or want one. Iā€™dve had a new TT, but if not racing just no point.
Weirdly used to buy far more running stuff.

Iā€™ll have to start shopping where Poet does :roll_eyes:


I hear you, but feel like there usually is a way with proper rehab & maybe breaking things down to very first principles. Just look at what @Doka has achieved / is achieving after injury.

Itā€™s been nearly 3 months since I buggered my hip & must admit the same sorts of thoughts went through my head in the first month as it just seemed impossible to imagine running on it again, when I could hardly bear weight or turn over in bed. But itā€™s getting thereā€¦ Iā€™m up to 105 seconds run, 15 seconds walk. Averaging about 5-6 mins per km pace with a cadence that is 20 strides per minute above pre injury pace & taking it really steady.

Know itā€™s been a long term issue for you, rather than an acute injury. But maybe thereā€™s a similar way of dialling it right back, several steps back, so that you are in a position again to be able to begin to train to begin to train ā€¦ :man_shrugging:

At first I thought it sounded ridiculous, but Mrs suggested the couch to 5km app & I have found it amazing for building back up from ground zero, if you can stomach listening to Steve Cram 3 times per week.


8km easy run and 1km walk home.

First run since Sunday :man_facepalming:t2:


@mw22 - Iā€™ll echo what @fruit_thief has said. Itā€™s been a long, long road for me, too :cry:

Sprained my left ankle by falling over some leafs covering a kerb in November 2021, badly. Carried on running on it for a week, did an XC race, properly knackered it. Didnā€™t run again for about three months, barely cycled, only my 40th trip to Mallorca got me going again :white_check_mark:
(Oh, plus a little race in the Cotswolds)

Got a bit of ennui after that, Covid at the start of 2023 wiped me out for four months solid, put on loads of weight, running got harder, enjoyed it less, but still went. Then really badly sprained my right ankle in July/August walking in The Lakes :roll_eyes:
Didnā€™t run again for ages.

Started again this year properly.
Feeling okay now. I too used the couch to 5km programme, although 1km jog, 1min walk.
I was doing 3-4km jogs to start with.
Built up from there :fist:t3:

Good luck, but maybe donā€™t quit entirely.
I think thereā€™s a decent running coach / physio guy near you :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Ah so frustrating for you. When you are going for a run how fast are you going?

Iā€™ve had a run :eyes: of injuries this year, 3 months out, then I started back in, then another thing! When I started back again each time, I was going for a jog/walk and looking at the world. I started learning the different types of moss and lichen, enjoying the views, and enjoying not having to hit any time/distance goals other than be outside. As my injury got better I realised I could start running harder/doing efforts, but Iā€™d enjoyed the casual jog that it took me a while to actually do it! I suppose it depends on what your running goal is. Iā€™ve not had a run for 5 weeks at the moment, but I feel my plantar fasciatis is feeling ok to begin my jog/walk! Good luck with it.