Training - What Training?!

Went for a 6km easy run. I think I’m suffering from last weekend more than I thought I was. It’s been a particularly stressful week at work plus some travel.

My knees hurt quite a lot and I just could not get my breathing right at all. Walked the hill I usually run up and walked the last km home. :slightly_frowning_face:


Oh you little tinker.

Anyway, gym this morning. Swim tonight.


Just take the rest. Bodies need to recover from more than physical exertion. And without sounding like a prick (always a dangerous precursor to a sentence! :joy: :joy:) you’re not getting any younger. And running 50kms plus every month is going to wear anyone down! Add on work stress and your medical history. Another super easy week is going to do no harm to you at all.


Cheers mate, makes a lot of sense. I’ve just bollocked (in a nice way) one of my direct report managers for not taking enough time out and over-working herself.

Need to take my own advice!


2000m OW swim :man_swimming:

There and back.

The wildlife are out in force - the feral kind.

A couple asked if the swans knocking about would bite. I suggested they’re probably hoping for a snack. Man asked what they’d taste like if he killed one. I bade them a good evening.


More like duck than goose.

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:police_car: :dash: ===


… and a 5 mile run.

Too nice an evening to stay indoors. Didn’t want to sit by the window with a beer either - first golf lesson tomorrow


Whitby parkrun. 19:36 for 7th in the timing.
Jogged there, only 1km. But didn’t reset watch.
Uphill, then downhill.
Forgot my inhalers, so couldn’t go too hard :see_no_evil:
Check out that HR :joy::joy::joy:
70.3 HR is 155bpm
Half marathon HR is 165bpm.


Plus one.

I’ve had some success though, my DR just relayed that he almost didn’t check emails at all or respond to WhatsApp at all over his holiday.

Small victories…!


Spin class this morning, sweating out last nights swim.


45 miles on the bike, with a little dig up Staples Lane. Had the lurgy, earlier this week and still feeling a bit second hand.


Finally starting to build up some run distance for an October marathon. Legs coping well so far.

Have a long run from Sunday which will drop out of the the 7 day rolling tomorrow, need to do another one to replace it.

Ignore the weird swim, was 2000m but watch screwed up.


OWS this morning

Tore a hole in the lower back of my HUUB last week. Forgot to patch it.

Not to worry I thought.
I have that very cheap Zone 3 I bought in the Wiggle sale.

Had worn it briefly when we did some SUP couple of months back.

Stuck it on and off I swam.

All felt good and was lapping a little quicker than last week (am coming off two rest days though)

One thing I’d forgotten however was that with my HUUB there is no issue with the neck so I don’t lube up.

About 30 minutes in my neck started feeling a little sore.

An hour and 5 minutes later and there’s some really bad rash going on which kinda made it not enjoyable.

Also a section by my right armpit.

Other than that the suit felt a little tight but no real issues.


Easy 6km jog around a wet Whitby.
I don’t think it was ever flat :joy:


South West Coast path from Woolacombe almost to Lee and back - 15km - 620m of vert (darn these coastal trails are wicked with so many short sharp climbs) - 2 hrs just over

@FatPom thought about carrying on to Ilfracombe but wanted to get back for family


Saw a few of the riders doing the Croyde Ocean Tri whizzing past me before turning off the road to the SWCP - they were the leaders and were really moving


Good man. That bit to Lee is the most technical on the course IMO. You’re getting a real feel for it now :+1:
Hope the instructions helped? :sunglasses:


They sure did thanks

The steps are hard and so many of them

None of the climbs are particularly long but they make up for it in terms of steepness and one following another following another

I think at night it will be a lot harder


It is for sure. Compared to Arc, this part of the SWCP is pretty speedy! :rofl:
The other thing is, the flat 16km to Saunton can take more out of you than you realise and round about Lee is where you start to feel that IME.
I’ve found that getting to CP1 (29km) in anything less than 4hrs is too quick for me.
Of course, 5hrs is too slow as well :rofl:

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5 hours of cricket and not much else, I ache like hell. Expected my shoulders to hurt, but my abs, obliques, quads, calves everything bloody hurts.