Training - What Training?!

Tried to recreate a mini-England ROC without the swim, as per my 2024 races post.

Bike 10.5 1450ft ascent, 1h5, run 6 miles 1475 ascent 1h15, bike 10.5 1450ft ascent 1h5, run 4 miles, 1100 ascent 55 mins. Can’t believe that the weather in the Southern uplands was nice enough for just a trisuit. Oooooh, it’s a nice feeling having that sunshine thingy on yer skin.

Anyway, now I think it’s beer time.


I’m weird, a treadmill will injury me every time. A knife I have a chance.

Seriously, a treadmill isn’t natural to me, not only do I hate it as in can never have enough fans to prevent over heating but also it messes with my stride, I guess either myself or the treadmill (is not smooth) surges between strides. I can guarantee if I run a treadmill three session in a row I pick up an injury.

By the way before March this year I have had no injuries in 3 plus years even run weeks of 60 miles at peak.


Saturday 7th September 2024

Longest ride in a while.

:bike: 1hr 45min easy Z2 ~156 watts.

Just building time atm, and tiring to burn some holiday induced body fat. :laughing: :rofl:

Did hope to get a 6km run and 1.2km swim in but it never happened.

Sunday 8th September 2024

:man_running: 18km steady run 5:15/km ave, great until 3km from the end when my hipflexers became like lead. Need to steadily increase the distance and that should solve that issue. :snail: but increasing the load into October is the goal.

Come on lets get on it, next week.


Finally got out myself.

Eldest has just started up at the winter swim squad for her surf lifesaving (obvs not tired enough after yesterday) which is now 4-530. A perfect little window opens up! :smiling_imp:

Got out for 4 x Hill reps and a quickish seafront km to finish. Was absolutely minging out there.

12.3km and 639m elevation.


Better week for me as well, 8.5 hours but that excludes my stretches and other core exercises which are short but hopefully helping.

~3 hours running which included an easy 90 minute trail run and the parkrun session
~4.5 hours cycling with the Zwift session this morning
1.25 hours swimming with a little bit of effort

Annoyingly a migraine an hour ago so an early night beckons :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


9 mile run across the new bridge connecting Partick to Govan, which opened Saturday…

opens up a whole new array of running route possibilities - longer runs over to Bellahouston park etc… nice to be able shake things up

Calf been a bit tight tho… despite that felt very easy on the flat


Welcome to a new week…

Couldn’t be arsed to get up, so no prework bike.

Lunch time run 6km about 30 minutes

After work quick (picking up daughter after her work) but not quick pool swim 1000m.

Intended on an hour bike when home this evening but too much stress at work.

Just chillin after dismantling the bike to maybe send if off for carbon repair.


Gym first thing. Rowing, upper body and core day.


Similar here, had a 7K run, lost motivation for the swim so sacked it, gym\pool is always rammed on a Monday.


Yeah… what is it about Mondays? I got a lane after 15 minutes but had lost the will to live by then. Hate swimming anyway… tolerate it at best.

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I think people are generally feeling guilty about being :pig2: :pig: :pig_nose: s over the weekend, I know I sometimes am, when not training for an event.


Yeah, weekend on the beer, food and sofa :joy:

1000m swim, as mainly full stroke and catch up. All 50m reps still.


Longest outdoor run since April (and it’s nothing to brag about).

5.9km. 80m elevation. 26:09.

Good news calves felt okay throughout.


Ran to work this morning - blowing an absolute hoolie - all tailwind though so no complaints there. The leaves were coming off the trees ata rate of knots - definitely autumn. Caught one as it fluttered down - brought back memories as a 10 year old at junior school catching leaves like that in the playground - only 44 years ago - funny how these things can trigger distant memories.

Ran home from work - can sometimes take a while to warm up after a day of sitting on my backside working but today I was running smoothly and effortlessly from the go. Measured pace all the way and time just flew by.

47 seconds slower on the way home but an extra 0.5km so negative split.

24km - job done

Cracking spag bol courtesy of Mrs T when I got home


Well that was a bloody disaster. Managed to get two meetings canned, so belted home and was able to go for a planned 8-10km.

A slight niggle on both sides of my groin area went really tight and by 2km I pulled the pin and walked home. Felt ok walking but could tell it was there.

Not sure what to do now, go for a walk/jog tomorrow, leave everything until Saturday? I have been pretty run down lately but had no indication of this until I started. :slightly_frowning_face:


Not sure anything right now is going to help. If it were me I’d rest up and do some stretching / RICE etc on the right bits. Hope it sorts itself out. :crossed_fingers:


1200m swim. A few 150m / 200m reps and still working on the length of my stroke.


New Govan bridge run again. Enjoying the novelty… although seem to have lost a mile somewhere


Calf still playing up a bit


1hr commute ride home.